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    企业400电话 网络优化推广 AI电话机器人 呼叫中心 网站建设 商标✡知产 微网小程序 电商运营 彩铃•短信 增值拓展业务
    By Mark Basch
    Convergys Corp. is looking to hire about 440 people for permanent positions and an additional 160 seasonal positions in customer service and sales at its Jacksonville center.
    The Cincinnati-based company, which provides out-sourced call center and information management services for business, said it will be holding information sessions for potential candidates on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from noon to 1:30 p.m. at its offices at 8000 Baymeadows Way.
    "We're starting the new year with new business, and that means additional opportunities for local job seekers," said Robin Cheshire, site leader for Convergys in Jacksonville, in a press release.
    The 440 permanent jobs are in two programs supporting an unnamed client in the communications industry. One program requires representatives with extensive customer service experience and some sales experience, and the other requires strong sales experience. The new employees will start in February with paid training.
    The seasonal jobs are for customer services and sales for a client in the landscaping industry, and will last from February through June.
    The positions start at $10 to $10.50 an hour, plus incentives and benefits.
    Convergys currently employs about 600 people in Jacksonville.


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