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    A* 算法简介

    A* 算法需要维护两个数据结构:OPEN 集和 CLOSED 集。OPEN 集包含所有已搜索到的待检测节点。初始状态,OPEN集仅包含一个元素:开始节点。CLOSED集包含已检测的节点。初始状态,CLOSED集为空。每个节点还包含一个指向父节点的指针,以确定追踪关系。

    A* 算法会给每个搜索到的节点计算一个G+H 的和值F:

    1 每次从OPEN集中取一个最优节点n(即F值最小的节点)来检测。
    2 将节点n从OPEN集中移除,然后添加到CLOSED集中。
    3 如果n是目标节点,那么算法结束。
    4 否则尝试添加节点n的所有邻节点n'。





    先创建一个map类, 初始化参数设置地图的长度和宽度,并设置保存地图信息的二维数据map的值为0, 值为0表示能移动到该节点。

    class Map():
    	def __init__(self, width, height):
    		self.width = width
    		self.height = height
    		self.map = [[0 for x in range(self.width)] for y in range(self.height)]


    	def createBlock(self, block_num):
    		for i in range(block_num):
    			x, y = (randint(0, self.width-1), randint(0, self.height-1))
    			self.map[y][x] = 1


    	def showMap(self):
    		print("+" * (3 * self.width + 2))
    		for row in self.map:
    			s = '+'
    			for entry in row:
    				s += ' ' + str(entry) + ' '
    			s += '+'
    		print("+" * (3 * self.width + 2))


    	def generatePos(self, rangeX, rangeY):
    		x, y = (randint(rangeX[0], rangeX[1]), randint(rangeY[0], rangeY[1]))
    		while self.map[y][x] == 1:
    			x, y = (randint(rangeX[0], rangeX[1]), randint(rangeY[0], rangeY[1]))
    		return (x , y)



    class SearchEntry():
    	def __init__(self, x, y, g_cost, f_cost=0, pre_entry=None):
    		self.x = x
    		self.y = y
    		# cost move form start entry to this entry
    		self.g_cost = g_cost
    		self.f_cost = f_cost
    		self.pre_entry = pre_entry
    	def getPos(self):
    		return (self.x, self.y)


    下面就是上面算法主循环介绍的代码实现,OPEN集和CLOSED集的数据结构使用了字典,在一般情况下,查找,添加和删除节点的时间复杂度为O(1), 遍历的时间复杂度为O(n), n为字典中对象数目。

    def AStarSearch(map, source, dest):
    	openlist = {}
    	closedlist = {}
    	location = SearchEntry(source[0], source[1], 0.0)
    	dest = SearchEntry(dest[0], dest[1], 0.0)
    	openlist[source] = location
    	while True:
    		location = getFastPosition(openlist)
    		if location is None:
    			# not found valid path
    			print("can't find valid path")
    		if location.x == dest.x and location.y == dest.y:
    		closedlist[location.getPos()] = location
    		addAdjacentPositions(map, location, dest, openlist, closedlist)
    	#mark the found path at the map
    	while location is not None:
    		map.map[location.y][location.x] = 2
    		location = location.pre_entry


    	# find a least cost position in openlist, return None if openlist is empty
    	def getFastPosition(openlist):
    		fast = None
    		for entry in openlist.values():
    			if fast is None:
    				fast = entry
    			elif fast.f_cost > entry.f_cost:
    				fast = entry
    		return fast

    addAdjacentPositions 函数对应算法主函数循环介绍中的尝试添加节点n的所有邻节点n'。

    	# add available adjacent positions
    	def addAdjacentPositions(map, location, dest, openlist, closedlist):
    		poslist = getPositions(map, location)
    		for pos in poslist:
    			# if position is already in closedlist, do nothing
    			if isInList(closedlist, pos) is None:
    				findEntry = isInList(openlist, pos)
    				h_cost = calHeuristic(pos, dest)
    				g_cost = location.g_cost + getMoveCost(location, pos)
    				if findEntry is None :
    					# if position is not in openlist, add it to openlist
    					openlist[pos] = SearchEntry(pos[0], pos[1], g_cost, g_cost+h_cost, location)
    				elif findEntry.g_cost > g_cost:
    					# if position is in openlist and cost is larger than current one,
    					# then update cost and previous position
    					findEntry.g_cost = g_cost
    					findEntry.f_cost = g_cost + h_cost
    					findEntry.pre_entry = location

    getPositions 函数获取到所有能够移动的节点,这里提供了2种移动的方式:

    	def getNewPosition(map, locatioin, offset):
    		x,y = (location.x + offset[0], location.y + offset[1])
    		if x  0 or x >= map.width or y  0 or y >= map.height or map.map[y][x] == 1:
    			return None
    		return (x, y)
    	def getPositions(map, location):
    		# use four ways or eight ways to move
    		offsets = [(-1,0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1)]
    		#offsets = [(-1,0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1,-1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1)]
    		poslist = []
    		for offset in offsets:
    			pos = getNewPosition(map, location, offset)
    			if pos is not None:			
    		return poslist

    isInList 函数判断节点是否在OPEN集 或CLOSED集中

    	# check if the position is in list
    	def isInList(list, pos):
    		if pos in list:
    			return list[pos]
    		return None

    calHeuristic 函数简单得使用了曼哈顿距离,这个后续可以进行优化。
    getMoveCost 函数根据是否是斜向移动来计算消耗(斜向就是2的开根号,约等于1.4)

    	# imporve the heuristic distance more precisely in future
    	def calHeuristic(pos, dest):
    		return abs(dest.x - pos[0]) + abs(dest.y - pos[1])
    	def getMoveCost(location, pos):
    		if location.x != pos[0] and location.y != pos[1]:
    			return 1.4
    			return 1



    WIDTH = 10
    HEIGHT = 10
    BLOCK_NUM = 15
    map = Map(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
    source = map.generatePos((0,WIDTH//3),(0,HEIGHT//3))
    dest = map.generatePos((WIDTH//2,WIDTH-1),(HEIGHT//2,HEIGHT-1))
    print("source:", source)
    print("dest:", dest)
    AStarSearch(map, source, dest)




    from random import randint
    class SearchEntry():
    	def __init__(self, x, y, g_cost, f_cost=0, pre_entry=None):
    		self.x = x
    		self.y = y
    		# cost move form start entry to this entry
    		self.g_cost = g_cost
    		self.f_cost = f_cost
    		self.pre_entry = pre_entry
    	def getPos(self):
    		return (self.x, self.y)
    class Map():
    	def __init__(self, width, height):
    		self.width = width
    		self.height = height
    		self.map = [[0 for x in range(self.width)] for y in range(self.height)]
    	def createBlock(self, block_num):
    		for i in range(block_num):
    			x, y = (randint(0, self.width-1), randint(0, self.height-1))
    			self.map[y][x] = 1
    	def generatePos(self, rangeX, rangeY):
    		x, y = (randint(rangeX[0], rangeX[1]), randint(rangeY[0], rangeY[1]))
    		while self.map[y][x] == 1:
    			x, y = (randint(rangeX[0], rangeX[1]), randint(rangeY[0], rangeY[1]))
    		return (x , y)
    	def showMap(self):
    		print("+" * (3 * self.width + 2))
    		for row in self.map:
    			s = '+'
    			for entry in row:
    				s += ' ' + str(entry) + ' '
    			s += '+'
    		print("+" * (3 * self.width + 2))
    def AStarSearch(map, source, dest):
    	def getNewPosition(map, locatioin, offset):
    		x,y = (location.x + offset[0], location.y + offset[1])
    		if x  0 or x >= map.width or y  0 or y >= map.height or map.map[y][x] == 1:
    			return None
    		return (x, y)
    	def getPositions(map, location):
    		# use four ways or eight ways to move
    		offsets = [(-1,0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1)]
    		#offsets = [(-1,0), (0, -1), (1, 0), (0, 1), (-1,-1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1)]
    		poslist = []
    		for offset in offsets:
    			pos = getNewPosition(map, location, offset)
    			if pos is not None:			
    		return poslist
    	# imporve the heuristic distance more precisely in future
    	def calHeuristic(pos, dest):
    		return abs(dest.x - pos[0]) + abs(dest.y - pos[1])
    	def getMoveCost(location, pos):
    		if location.x != pos[0] and location.y != pos[1]:
    			return 1.4
    			return 1
    	# check if the position is in list
    	def isInList(list, pos):
    		if pos in list:
    			return list[pos]
    		return None
    	# add available adjacent positions
    	def addAdjacentPositions(map, location, dest, openlist, closedlist):
    		poslist = getPositions(map, location)
    		for pos in poslist:
    			# if position is already in closedlist, do nothing
    			if isInList(closedlist, pos) is None:
    				findEntry = isInList(openlist, pos)
    				h_cost = calHeuristic(pos, dest)
    				g_cost = location.g_cost + getMoveCost(location, pos)
    				if findEntry is None :
    					# if position is not in openlist, add it to openlist
    					openlist[pos] = SearchEntry(pos[0], pos[1], g_cost, g_cost+h_cost, location)
    				elif findEntry.g_cost > g_cost:
    					# if position is in openlist and cost is larger than current one,
    					# then update cost and previous position
    					findEntry.g_cost = g_cost
    					findEntry.f_cost = g_cost + h_cost
    					findEntry.pre_entry = location
    	# find a least cost position in openlist, return None if openlist is empty
    	def getFastPosition(openlist):
    		fast = None
    		for entry in openlist.values():
    			if fast is None:
    				fast = entry
    			elif fast.f_cost > entry.f_cost:
    				fast = entry
    		return fast
    	openlist = {}
    	closedlist = {}
    	location = SearchEntry(source[0], source[1], 0.0)
    	dest = SearchEntry(dest[0], dest[1], 0.0)
    	openlist[source] = location
    	while True:
    		location = getFastPosition(openlist)
    		if location is None:
    			# not found valid path
    			print("can't find valid path")
    		if location.x == dest.x and location.y == dest.y:
    		closedlist[location.getPos()] = location
    		addAdjacentPositions(map, location, dest, openlist, closedlist)
    	#mark the found path at the map
    	while location is not None:
    		map.map[location.y][location.x] = 2
    		location = location.pre_entry	
    WIDTH = 10
    HEIGHT = 10
    BLOCK_NUM = 15
    map = Map(WIDTH, HEIGHT)
    source = map.generatePos((0,WIDTH//3),(0,HEIGHT//3))
    dest = map.generatePos((WIDTH//2,WIDTH-1),(HEIGHT//2,HEIGHT-1))
    print("source:", source)
    print("dest:", dest)
    AStarSearch(map, source, dest)

    到此这篇关于python实现A*寻路算法的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关python A*寻路算法内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!

    • Python3 A*寻路算法实现方式
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    • python 实现A*算法的示例代码
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