%1 mshta vbscript:CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute("cmd.exe","/c %~s0 ::","","runas",1)(window.close)exit
@echo off
mode con lines=30 cols=60
%1 mshta vbscript:CreateObject("Shell.Application").ShellExecute("cmd.exe","/c %~s0 ::","","runas",1)(window.close)exit
cd /d "%~dp0"
rem 下面可以写你的bat代码了
@echo off
%1 %2
ver|find "5.">nulgoto :st
mshta vbscript:createobject("shell.application").shellexecute("%~s0","goto :st","","runas",1)(window.close)goto :eof
copy "%~0" "%windir%\system32\"
ShellExecute method
Run a script or application in the Windows Shell.
.ShellExecute "application", "parameters", "dir", "verb", window
.ShellExecute 'some program.exe', '"some parameters with spaces"', , "runas", 1
application The file to execute (required)
parameters Arguments for the executable
dir Working directory
verb The operation to execute (runas/open/edit/print)
window View mode application window (normal=1, hide=0, 2=Min, 3=max, 4=restore, 5=current, 7=min/inactive, 10=default)
Note the different (double " and single ' ) quotes that can be used to delimit paths with spaces.
The runas verb is undocumented but can be used to elevate permissions. When a script is run with elevated permissions several aspects of the user environment may change: The current directory, the current TEMP folder and any mapped drives will be disconnected.
runas will fail if you are running in WOW64 (a 32 bit process on 64 bit windows) for example %systemroot%\syswow64\cmd.exe ...
The ShellExecute method is a member of the IShellDispatch2 object.
Run a batch script with elevated permissions, flag=runas:
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objShell.ShellExecute "E:\demo\batchScript.cmd", "", "", "runas", 1
Run a VBScript with elevated permissions, flag=runas:
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objShell.ShellExecute "cscript", "E:\demo\vbscript.vbs", "", "runas", 1
“If you don't execute your ideas, they die” ~ Roger Von Oech
Run with elevated permissions - Script to run as Admin
.Exec - Execute command, returning an object
.Run - Run a command
joeware.net - CPAU (Create Process As User) like RunAs but with an options to encrypt the password.
Equivalent CMD command: ShellRunAs - Run a command under a different user account
%~d0 是指批处理所在的盘符,其中d代表drive
%~p0 是指批处理所在的目录,其中p代表path
%~dp0 是批处理所在的盘符加路径
cd %~dp0 就是进入批处理所在目录了
详细解释还可参考命令 call /?
自从Vista带来了UAC之后,应用程序就变成了两种,有管理员权限的,和没有管理员权限的。一些老的应用程序会莫名其妙地出错,这时候就要考虑右击应用程序,然后“以管理员身份运行”。这还不是什么大问题,exe文件的右键菜单里都会有这个,但是对于一些脚本文件(cmd, js一类)来说,就没那么方便了。通常需要重新开一个带管理员权限的命令行窗口,然后打很多cd回到刚的文件夹,然后再运行脚本,相当麻烦。
var command = WScript.Arguments.Item(0);
var argument = "";
for (var i = 0; i WScript.Arguments.Count(); ++i){
argument += WScript.Arguments.Item(i) + " ";
var shellapp = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
shellapp.ShellExecute(command, argument, null, "runas", 1);
WScript.Echo("Something wrong: " + e.description);
以后要以管理员身份运行程序的时候,只要输入“Elevate exefile> arguments>”就可以了,比如“Elevate cmd /k”。
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