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    Inspire Yourself: 50 Remarkable Favicons

    Actually it's a pity that many designers don't really make use of them. Favicons, mini graphics for a particular web-site, can be displayed in the browser's URL bar, next to the site's name in lists of bookmarks, and next to the page's title in a tabbed document interface. To be recognized immediately, favicons have to be visually appealing and fit to the design or logo of a given page. In fact, if you use Favicons for your sites, users can easily find your URL in their bookmarks - in this way you create some kind of a visual connection between your web-site and your sites' visitors.


    However, the design of Favicons can be tricky - it isn't that easy to create a beautiful 16×16px mini-icon. Still, some designers manage to achieve tremendous effects. Logotypes with clear geometric structures are easier to work with than typefaces or abstract images. The color selection corresponds to current Web 2.0 trends. Let's take a look at 50 beautiful favicons you can inspire yourself from. You can click on favicons - they lead to a page, which uses the image as a page icon.

    然而,Favicons的设计可能是有难度的——不是那么容易就能创造一个漂亮的16×16px的迷你图标。尽管如此,部分设计师的运用已经取得了巨大的成效。用清晰的几何结构组成的标识比用抽象的字体或图像来得容易,颜色的选取应当符合当前Web 2.0的趋势。让我们来看看能激发你灵感的50个漂亮favicons. 你可以点击favicons——它们指向使用这些图像做为页面图标的网站。



    Rounded Elements(圆形元素)


    Letters and Typography(字母和印刷样式)






    Further Favicons(更多的Favicons)


    Favicon Tools(Favicon工具)

    Favicon Generator
    Favicon Generator 2
    Even More Favicon Generators
    Favourite Favicons
    Mysteries Of The Favicon.ico — How To Create A Favicon In Photoshop

    • 给自己的网站制作一个favicon.ico图标的实现方法
    • Icon Craft-完美的Favicon制作工具下载
    • nginx关闭favicon.ico、robots.txt日志记录配置
    • node.js中的favicon.ico请求问题处理
    • 简单谈谈favicon
    下一篇:Lesson01_01  HTML基础
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    激发你的灵感:50个优秀的Favicons 激发,你的,灵感,50个,优秀,