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    Continued sales growth makes CyberTech the voice recording company to watch in 2011
    Amsterdam, December 21st, 2010, CyberTech International, the world’s fastest-growing and 3rd largest call recording provider, is celebrating its 25th anniversary by reporting double-digit growth in 2010. During this successful period, the company has won a number of high profile global contracts, added a new office in India and increased headcount to meet the growing demand for voice recording solutions.
    “As client needs evolve, CyberTech will continue to expand as we work to push the boundaries of innovation and achieve further success in key market sectors such as public safety, financial and contact centres,” said Ad Ketelaars, CEO of CyberTech International.
    CyberTech has also introduced several industry firsts over the last year including CyberTech Myracle Plus, among the lowest per-channel voice recording solution that offers big system features in a smaller package and is designed to meet the needs of operations with less than 200 seats. Another innovation is CyberTech Max, an unlimited scalability voice recording system.
    Other highlights of 2010 include:
    Ketelaars added, “We anticipate that 2011 will be another successful year for CyberTech as we continue with our aggressive growth rate and pace of innovation to consolidate our position as the voice recording company to watch.”


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