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    mongodb exception: $concat only supports strings, not NumberInt32解决办法

    今天在用mongodb操作aggregation的时候出现这个问题,我是想格式化日期,例如”2013-10-17 04:41:37 UTC”变成”10月17日”,

    复制代码 代码如下:

    'fdate' => { '$concat' => ['$date.month', '月', '$date.day', '日'] }

    出现 exception: $concat only supports strings, not NumberInt32


    复制代码 代码如下:

    $date形如'2013-10-13 11:17:18 UTC'

    'fdate' => { '$concat' => [ {$substr=>['$date', 5, 2]}, '月', {$substr=>['$date', 8, 2]}, '日'] }


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    上一篇:mongodb错误tcmalloc: large alloc out of memory, printing stack and exiting解决办法
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    mongodb exception: $concat only supports strings, not NumberInt32解决办法 mongodb,exception,concat,only,