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    Oracle dbca时报:ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact错误的解决


    最近在工作中遇到了一个问题,错误是Oracle dbca时报错:ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact,通过查找相关的资料终于找到了解决的方法,下面分享给大家,话不多说了,来一起看看详细的介绍吧。



    DBCA报错,首先看DBCA的日志,日志中也是报ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact

    于是再sqlplus / as sysdba敲回车,也是报ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact,



    [oracle@dg1 log]$ pwd 
    [oracle@dg1 log]$ ls -lrt 
    total 9808 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401207 Feb 1 16:16 dbua1557284_ora_8053.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401207 Feb 1 16:16 dbua1557284_ora_8062.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401207 Feb 1 16:16 dbua1557284_ora_8065.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401373 Feb 1 16:18 dg1_ora_8227.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401228 Feb 1 16:26 dg1_ora_2701.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401228 Feb 1 16:26 dg1_ora_2706.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401410 Feb 1 16:27 dg1_ora_2715.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401228 Feb 1 16:27 dg1_ora_2722.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401244 Feb 1 16:31 dbua3144297_ora_2792.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401244 Feb 1 16:31 dbua3144297_ora_2801.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401244 Feb 1 16:31 dbua3144297_ora_2804.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401410 Feb 1 16:34 dg1_ora_2930.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401341 Feb 1 17:27 dg1_ora_3181.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401090 Feb 1 17:27 dg1_ora_3187.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401341 Feb 1 17:27 dg1_ora_3190.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401090 Feb 1 17:28 dg1_ora_3205.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401341 Feb 1 17:28 dg1_ora_3210.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401090 Feb 1 17:28 dg1_ora_3214.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401090 Feb 1 17:36 dg1_ora_3313.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401341 Feb 1 17:37 dg1_ora_3329.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401090 Feb 1 17:37 dg1_ora_3341.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401090 Feb 1 17:37 dg1_ora_3344.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401341 Feb 1 17:40 dg1_ora_3369.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401341 Feb 1 17:40 dg1_ora_3375.trc 
    -rw-r-----. 1 oracle oinstall 401090 Feb 1 17:40 dg1_ora_3378.trc 
    [oracle@dg1 log]$ 
    [oracle@dg1 log]$ vi dg1_ora_3369.trc 
    Dump file /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/log/dg1_ora_3369.trc 
    *** 2016-02-01 17:40:23.652 
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production 
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options 
    ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1 
    System name: Linux 
    Node name:  dg1 
    Release:  2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 
    Version:  #1 SMP Sun Nov 10 22:19:54 EST 2013 
    Machine:  x86_64 
    Instance name: dg1 
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 0 none> 
    Oracle process number: 0 
    Unix process pid: 3369, image: oracle@dg1 
    *** 2016-02-01 17:40:23.652 
    skgm error 27135: errno = 0, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1048576, 2097152, 0 
    skgm error 27135: errno = 0, info = 0, 0, 0, 0, 1048576, 2097152, 0 
    *** 2016-02-01 17:40:23.654 
    Exception [type: SIGSEGV, Address not mapped to object] [ADDR:0x3D8] [PC:0x95BE6EB, opiodr()+11347] [flags: 0x0, count: 1] 
    %rax: 0x000000000c0ea630 %rbx: 0x000000000c0ea638 %rcx: 0x0000000000000000 
    %rdx: 0x0000000000000000 %rdi: 0x000000000c0ccba0 %rsi: 0x00007fffa308e250 
    %rsp: 0x00007fffa308d970 %rbp: 0x00007fffa308e440 %r8: 0x00007fffa308d970 
     %r9: 0x00007fffa308e440 %r10: 0x00007fffa308c600 %r11: 0x00007fab40ec1538 
    %r12: 0x000000000000003c %r13: 0x0000000000000004 %r14: 0x00007fffa308e6f8 
    %r15: 0x0000000000000002 %rip: 0x00000000095be6eb %efl: 0x0000000000010246 
     opiodr()+11325 (0x95be6d5) lea (%rax,%rbx),%rdx 
     opiodr()+11329 (0x95be6d9) mov %rdx,(%rcx,%rbx) 
     opiodr()+11333 (0x95be6dd) mov 0x2b34a84(%rip),%rax 
     opiodr()+11340 (0x95be6e4) mov 0x178(%rax),%rdx 
    > opiodr()+11347 (0x95be6eb) movzwl 0x3d8(%rdx),%ecx 
     opiodr()+11354 (0x95be6f2) test $0x100,%ecx 
     opiodr()+11360 (0x95be6f8) jz 0x95bc8c7 
     opiodr()+11366 (0x95be6fe) mov -0x18(%rbp),%eax 
     opiodr()+11369 (0x95be701) cmp $60,%eax 
    *** 2016-02-01 17:40:23.660 
    dbkedDefDump(): Starting a non-incident diagnostic dump (flags=0x1, level=3, mask=0x0) 
    ----- Error Stack Dump ----- 
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [opiodr()+11347] [SIGSEGV] [ADDR:0x3D8] [PC:0x95BE6EB] [Address not mapped to object] [] 
    ORA-27135: Operating System hard stack limit is set too low ----------->>>>>>>注意此处 
    Additional information: 1048576 
    Additional information: 2097152 
    ----- SQL Statement (None) ----- 
    Current SQL information unavailable - no SGA. 



    oracle soft nproc 2047 
    oracle hard nproc 16384 
    oracle soft nofile 1024 
    oracle hard nofile 65536 
    oracle soft stack 1024--->此处应该是10240,依据:Requirements for Installing Oracle 11gR2 RDBMS on RHEL6 or OL6 64-bit (x86-64) (文档 ID 1441282.1) 

    修改完之后,关闭dbca界面,exit退出oracle用户,su - oracle用户,再重新发起dbca即可。



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    Oracle dbca时报:ORA-12547: TNS:lost contact错误的解决 Oracle,dbca,时报,ORA-12547,TNS,