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    1. 新增(Create)

    insert into [表名] (字段1, 字段2,....) value (value1, value2, ...);
    insert into [表名] (字段1, 字段2, ....) values
    (value1, ...),
    (value2, ...),
    (value3, ...);



    CREATE TABLE exam_result (
     id INT,
     name VARCHAR(20),
     chinese DECIMAL(3,1),
     math DECIMAL(3,1),
     english DECIMAL(3,1)

    1.1 单行数据 + 全列插入

    -- 插入两条记录,value_list 数量必须和定义表的列的数量及顺序一致
    insert into exam_result value ( 1, 'tom', 68, 98, 56); 
    insert into exam_result value ( 2, 'jum', 87.5, 78, 77); 

    每次插入数据, 为一条记录, 包含了若干个列~~


    value 前省略指定列默认为全列插入

    1.2 多行数据 + 指定列

    - 插入两条记录,value_list 数量必须和指定列数量及顺序一致
    INSERT INTO exam_result (id,name, chinese, math, english) VALUES
     (1,'tom', 67, 98, 56),
     (2,'jum', 87.5, 78, 77),
     (3,'lim', 88, 98.5, 90),
     (4,'tim', 82, 84, 67),
     (5,'huy', 55.5, 85, 45),
     (6,'sun', 70, 73, 78.5),
     (7,'ming', 75, 65, 30);

    2. 查询(Retrieve)

    2.1 全列查询

    select * from [表名];

    *表示通配符, 意思就是查找所有的列

    2.2 指定列查询

    select [指定查询列] from [表名];

    2.3 查询字段为表达式

    select [字段表达式] from [表名];

    2.4 别名

    select colum [as] [列名] from [表名];

    2.5 去重: DISTINCT

    使用 distinct 关键字对某列数据去重

    --98 分重复了
    select math from exam_result;
    | math |
    | 98.0 |
    | 78.0 |
    | 98.0 |
    | 84.0 |
    | 85.0 |
    | 73.0 |
    | 65.0 |
    -- 去重结果
    select distinct math from exam_result;
    | math |
    | 98.0 |
    | 78.0 |
    | 84.0 |
    | 85.0 |
    | 73.0 |
    | 65.0 |

    2.6 排序: ORDER BY

    select * from [表名] order by [排序字段];

    用 order by 指定某一列进行排序, 默认按照升序排序.

    显式加上 desc , 就是降序排序. 使用 asc 也是升序

    select name, math from exam_result order by math desc;
    | name | math |
    | tom | 98.0 |
    | lim | 98.0 |
    | huy | 85.0 |
    | tim | 84.0 |
    | jum | 78.0 |
    | sun | 73.0 |
    | ming | 65.0 |

    NULL 数据排序,视为比任何值都小,升序出现在最上面,降序出现在最下面


    select * from exam_result order by math desc, chinese desc;
    | id | name | chinese | math | english |
    | 3 | lim | 88.0 | 98.0 | 90.0 |
    | 1 | tom | 67.0 | 98.0 | 56.0 |
    | 5 | huy | 55.5 | 85.0 | 45.0 |
    | 4 | tim | 82.0 | 84.0 | 67.0 |
    | 2 | jum | 87.5 | 78.0 | 77.0 |
    | 6 | sun | 70.0 | 73.0 | 78.5 |
    | 7 | ming | 75.0 | 65.0 | 30.0 |

    多列排序时, 是在第一列区分不出来大小的时候, 再按第二列排序.

    2.7 条件查询: WHERE


    运算符 说明
    >, >=, , = 大于,大于等于,小于,小于等于
    = 等于,NULL 不安全,例如 NULL = NULL 的结果是 NULL
    => 等于,NULL 安全,例如 NULL => NULL 的结果是 TRUE(1)
    !=, > 不等于
    BETWEEN a0 AND a1 范围匹配,[a0, a1],如果 a0 = value = a1,返回 TRUE(1)
    IN (option, …) 如果是 option 中的任意一个,返回 TRUE(1)
    LIKE 模糊匹配。% 表示任意多个(包括 0 个)任意字符;_ 表示任意一个字符


    运算符 说明
    AND 多个条件必须都为 TRUE(1),结果才是 TRUE(1)
    OR 任意一个条件为 TRUE(1), 结果为 TRUE(1)
    NOT 条件为 TRUE(1),结果为 FALSE(0)




    -- 查询英语不及格的同学及英语成绩 (  60 )
    select name, english from exam_result where english  60;
    -- 查询语文成绩好于英语成绩的同学
    select name, chinese, english from exam_result where chinese > english;
    -- 查询总分在 200 分以下的同学
    select name, chinese + math + english as total from exam_result where chinese + math + english  200;

    AND 与 OR:

    -- 查询语文成绩大于80分,且英语成绩大于80分的同学
    select * from exam_result where chinese > 80 and english > 80;
    -- 查询语文成绩大于80分,或英语成绩大于80分的同学
    select * from exam_result where chinese > 80 or english > 80;

    关于优先级问题, and 比 or 更优先,


    1.BETWEEN … AND …

    -- 查询语文成绩在 [80, 90] 分的同学及语文成绩
    select name, chinese from exam_result where chinese BETWEEN 80 AND 90;
    select name, chinese, from exam_result where chinese >= 80 and chinese = 90;


     -- 查询数学成绩是 58 或者 59 或者 98 或者 99 分的同学及数学成绩
    select name, math from exam_result where math in (58, 59, 98, 99);

    模糊查询: LIKE

    select name from exam_result where name like 't%';
    | name |
    | tom |
    | tim |

    % 是一个通配符, 可以用来代替任意多个字符

    t% 找出以 t 开头的字符串

    %t 找出以 t 结尾的字符串

    %t% 找出包含 t 的

    除了 % 之外, 还有 _ ,(_ 只能代表一个字符~)

    select name from exam_result where name like 't__';
    | name |
    | tom |
    | tim |


    select name, chinese from exam_result where chinese like '%8%';
    | name | chinese |
    | jum |  87.5 |
    | lim |  88.0 |
    | tim |  82.0 |


    模糊查询看起来比较好用, 实际执行效率低下

    NULL 的查询: IS [NOT] NULL

     select name from exam_result where id id not null;

    2.8 分页查询: LIMIT

    -- 最初数据表
    select * from exam_result;
    | id  | name | chinese | math | english |
    |  1 | tom |  67.0 | 98.0 |  56.0 |
    |  2 | jum |  87.5 | 78.0 |  77.0 |
    |  3 | lim |  88.0 | 98.0 |  90.0 |
    |  4 | tim |  82.0 | 84.0 |  67.0 |
    |  5 | huy |  55.5 | 85.0 |  45.0 |
    |  6 | sun |  70.0 | 73.0 |  78.5 |
    |  7 | ming |  75.0 | 65.0 |  30.0 |
    -- 前三条记录
    select * from exam_result limit 3;
    | id  | name | chinese | math | english |
    |  1 | tom |  67.0 | 98.0 |  56.0 |
    |  2 | jum |  87.5 | 78.0 |  77.0 |
    |  3 | lim |  88.0 | 98.0 |  90.0 |
    -- 从第三条开始的三条记录
    select * from exam_result limit 3 offset 3;
    | id  | name | chinese | math | english |
    |  4 | tim |  82.0 | 84.0 |  67.0 |
    |  5 | huy |  55.5 | 85.0 |  45.0 |
    |  6 | sun |  70.0 | 73.0 |  78.5 |

    offset 表示从第几条开始查找, offset 可以省略

    select * from exam_result limit 3 , 4;
    | id  | name | chinese | math | english |
    |  4 | tim |  82.0 | 84.0 |  67.0 |
    |  5 | huy |  55.5 | 85.0 |  45.0 |
    |  6 | sun |  70.0 | 73.0 |  78.5 |
    |  7 | ming |  75.0 | 65.0 |  30.0 |

    3. 修改(Update)

    – 将总成绩倒数前三的 3 位同学的数学成绩加上 30 分

    update exam_result set math = math + 30 order by chinese + math + english limit 3;

    update 不加条件, 就可以针对所有

    4. 删除(Delete)

    delete from [表名];
    -- 删除 ming 同学的考试成绩
    delete from exam_result where name = 'ming';
    -- 删除整张表
    delete from exam_result;

    如果不指定条件, 此时就把整个表删除掉了, (与 drop 删除表还有不同)

    delete 删除后表为 null, drop 删除后表就不存在了

    5. 常用 新增

    -- 单行插入
    insert into [表名] (字段1, ..., 字段N) values (value1, ...,value N);
    -- 多行插入
    insert into [表名](字段1, ..., 字段N) values
    (value1, ...),
    (value2, ...),
    (value3, ...);


    select * from [表名];
    select [列名1, 列名2,...] from [表名];
    select [表达式1, 表达式2,...] from [表名];
    --去重 DISTINCT
    select distinct [字段] from [表名];
    -- 排序ORDER BY
    select * from [表名] order by [排序字段];
    -- 条件查询WHERE
    -- (1)比较运算符 (2)BETWEEN ... AND ... (3)IN (4)IS NULL (5)LIKE (6)AND (7)OR 
    select * from [表名] where [条件];


    update [表] set [修改内容1, 修改内容2, ....] where [条件];


    delete from [表名] where [条件];



    • mysql增删改查基础语句
    • Mysql的增删改查语句简单实现
    • mysql触发器之触发器的增删改查操作示例
    • Mysql表,列,库增删改查问题小结
    • MySQL 详细单表增删改查crud语句
    • mysql视图之管理视图实例详解【增删改查操作】
    上一篇:MySQL infobright的安装步骤
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