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    sql server 入门语句总结



    •show database; 显示出现有的数据库
    •use database_x; 现在要使用数据库database_x
    •create table coffee (id int(5) not null,coffee_name varchar(25)); 创建一张表,包含id和coffee_name两个字段
    •alter table coffee add taste varchar(10); 增加新的一列
    •insert into coffee (id,coffee_name,taste,rank) value ("1","BlueMountain",“well”,“5”); 插入数据
    •show columns from coffee; 查看表结构
    •show create table coffee; 查看表信息,包括建表语句
    •alter table student rename ss; 改变表名
    •alter table ss drop mark; 删除表ss中mark列

    •select * from coffee where id="1"; 查询出id=1的所有信息
    •select coffee_name from coffee where id="2"; 查询出id=2的coffee name
    •select * from club where id between "1" and "3"; 查询出id=1到3的条目
    •select * from club where id="1" or id="3"; 查询出id=1和id=3这两个条目
    •select club_name from club where mark>50; 查询出mark大于50的club
    •select club_name from club where mark not between  48 and 50; 查询mark不在48与50之间的club
    •select * from club where id in("1","3","4"); 查询id=1,3,4的条目
    •select * from club where id not in("1","3","4");
    •select * from club where name like "M%r"; 通配符%表示任意长度的字符(可以是0,汉字为两个字符)
    •select * from club where name like "M_r"; _表示单个字符
    •select * from club where id in("1","3","4") and mark>50; 多重查询
    •select * from club order by mark desc; 按照mark降序排列(desc:降序,usc:升序)

    •select count(*) from club; 查询club中有多少条记录
    •select count(distinct mark) from club; 不同分数的有多少条记录
    •select sum(mark) from club; 积分总和
    •select avg(mark) from club; 平均积分
    •select max(mark) from club; 最高积分
    •select min(mark) from club; 最低积分

    •update club set mark=mark-8 where id="1"; id=1的俱乐部积分罚8分

    •delete from club where id="001"; 删除id=001的俱乐部信息

    上一篇:Sql Server中一个表2个字段关联同一个表(代码解决)
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