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    sql server 2012 数据库所有表里查找某字符串的方法
    复制代码 代码如下:

    USE [数据库名称];

     --1.定义需要查找的关键字。在搜索中,使用模糊搜索:LIKE '%@key_find%'
     DECLARE @key_find NVARCHAR(MAX) = '123';--假设是找字符串"123"

     DECLARE Cursor_Table CURSOR FOR
         SELECT name from sysobjects WHERE xtype = 'u' AND name > 'dtproperties';
     OPEN Cursor_Table;
     DECLARE @tableName NVARCHAR(MAX);
     FETCH NEXT from Cursor_Table INTO @tableName;
     WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
         DECLARE @tempSQLText NVARCHAR(MAX) = '';

         DECLARE columnCursor CURSOR FOR
             SELECT Name FROM SysColumns WHERE ID = Object_Id( @tableName ) and
                                                                                     xtype = 35 or --text
                                                                                     xtype = 99 or --ntext
                                                                                     xtype = 167 or --varchar
                                                                                     xtype = 175 or --char
                                                                                     xtype = 231 or --nvarchar
                                                                                     xtype = 239 or --nchar
                                                                                     xtype = 241 --xml
         OPEN columnCursor;
         DECLARE @columnName NVARCHAR(MAX);
         FETCH NEXT from columnCursor INTO @columnName;
         WHILE @@fetch_status = 0

             DECLARE @DynamicSQLText NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'IF ( EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM [' + @tableName + '] WHERE [' + @columnName + '] LIKE ''%' + @key_find + '%'' ) ) BEGIN DECLARE @CurrentTableCount Bigint = ( SELECT COUNT(*) From [' + @tableName + '] ); PRINT ''Find : Table [' + @tableName + '], Column [' + @columnName + '], Row Count:'' + CAST( @CurrentTableCount AS NVARCHAR(MAX) ) + ''.'';  END';
             EXEC( @DynamicSQLText );
             FETCH NEXT from columnCursor INTO @columnName
         CLOSE columnCursor;
         DEALLOCATE columnCursor;
         FETCH NEXT from Cursor_Table INTO @tableName;
     CLOSE Cursor_Table;
     DEALLOCATE Cursor_Table;
    • mssql查找备注(text,ntext)类型字段为空的方法
    • sql server 临时表 查找并删除的实现代码
    • mysql 数据表中查找重复记录
    • sqlserver中查找所有包含了某个文本的存储过程
    • SQLserver中字符串查找功能patindex和charindex的区别
    • mysql data文件夹位置查找
    • MySQL慢查询查找和调优测试
    • android中sqlite的按条件查找的小例子
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    sql server 2012 数据库所有表里查找某字符串的方法 sql,server,2012,数据库,所有,