• 企业400电话
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    企业400电话 网络优化推广 AI电话机器人 呼叫中心 网站建设 商标✡知产 微网小程序 电商运营 彩铃•短信 增值拓展业务




    package main
    import (
    // from: string.go 在GoLand IDE中双击shift快速找到
    type stringStruct struct {
    	array unsafe.Pointer // 指向一个 [len]byte 的数组
    	length int    // 长度
    func main() {
    	test := "hello"
    	p := (*str)(unsafe.Pointer(test))
    	fmt.Println(p, p) // 0xc420070018 {0xa3f71 5}
    	c := make([]byte, p.length)
    	for i := 0; i  p.length; i++ {
    		tmp := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p.array))   // 指针类型转换通过unsafe包
    		c[i] = *(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(tmp + uintptr(i))) // 指针运算只能通过uintptr
    	fmt.Println(c)   // [104 101 108 108 111]
    	fmt.Println(string(c)) // [byte] --> string, "hello"
    	test2 := test + " world" // 字符串是不可变类型,会生成一个新的string实例
    	p2 := (*str)(unsafe.Pointer(test2))
    	fmt.Println(p2, p2) // 0xc420028030 {0xc42000a2e5 11}
    	fmt.Println(test2) // hello, world




    25		test2 := test + " world"
     0x00000000004824d7 +1127>:	lea 0x105a2(%rip),%rax  # 0x492a80
     0x00000000004824de +1134>:	mov %rax,(%rsp)
     0x00000000004824e2 +1138>:	callq 0x40dda0 runtime.newobject> # 调用newobject函数
     0x00000000004824e7 +1143>:	mov 0x8(%rsp),%rax
     0x00000000004824ec +1148>:	mov %rax,0xa0(%rsp)
     0x00000000004824f4 +1156>:	mov 0xa8(%rsp),%rax
     0x00000000004824fc +1164>:	mov 0x8(%rax),%rcx
     0x0000000000482500 +1168>:	mov (%rax),%rax
     0x0000000000482503 +1171>:	mov %rax,0x8(%rsp)
     0x0000000000482508 +1176>:	mov %rcx,0x10(%rsp)
     0x000000000048250d +1181>:	movq $0x0,(%rsp)
     0x0000000000482515 +1189>:	lea 0x30060(%rip),%rax  # 0x4b257c
     0x000000000048251c +1196>:	mov %rax,0x18(%rsp)
     0x0000000000482521 +1201>:	movq $0x6,0x20(%rsp)
     0x000000000048252a +1210>:	callq 0x43cc00 runtime.concatstring2> # 调用concatstring2函数

    因为当前go[2018.11 version: go1.11]的不是遵循默认的x86 calling convention用寄存器传参,而是通过stack进行传参,所以go的反汇编不像c的那么容易理解,不过大概看懂+背后的操作还是没问题的,看一下runtime源码的拼接函数:

    func concatstring2(buf *tmpBuf, a [2]string) string {
     return concatstrings(buf, a[:])
    // concatstrings implements a Go string concatenation x+y+z+...
    // The operands are passed in the slice a.
    // If buf != nil, the compiler has determined that the result does not
    // escape the calling function, so the string data can be stored in buf
    // if small enough.
    func concatstrings(buf *tmpBuf, a []string) string {
     idx := 0
     l := 0
     count := 0
     for i, x := range a {
      n := len(x)
      if n == 0 {
      if l+n  l {
       throw("string concatenation too long")
      l += n
      idx = i
     if count == 0 {
      return ""
     // If there is just one string and either it is not on the stack
     // or our result does not escape the calling frame (buf != nil),
     // then we can return that string directly.
     if count == 1  (buf != nil || !stringDataOnStack(a[idx])) {
      return a[idx]
     s, b := rawstringtmp(buf, l)
     for _, x := range a {
      copy(b, x) // 最关键的拷贝操作
      b = b[len(x):]
     return s



    通过看源码,bytes.Buffer 增长buffer时是按照2倍来增长内存,可以有效避免频繁的申请内存,通过一个例子来看:

    func main() {
     var buf bytes.Buffer
     for i := 0; i  10; i++ {
      buf.WriteString("hi ")


    // @file: buffer.go
    func (b *Buffer) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
     b.lastRead = opInvalid
     m, ok := b.tryGrowByReslice(len(s))
     if !ok {
      m = b.grow(len(s)) // 高效的增长策略 -> let capacity get twice as large
     return copy(b.buf[m:], s), nil
    // @file: buffer.go
    // let capacity get twice as large !!!
    func (b *Buffer) grow(n int) int {
     m := b.Len()
     // If buffer is empty, reset to recover space.
     if m == 0  b.off != 0 {
     // Try to grow by means of a reslice.
     if i, ok := b.tryGrowByReslice(n); ok {
      return i
     // Check if we can make use of bootstrap array.
     if b.buf == nil  n = len(b.bootstrap) {
      b.buf = b.bootstrap[:n]
      return 0
     c := cap(b.buf)
     if n = c/2-m {
      // We can slide things down instead of allocating a new
      // slice. We only need m+n = c to slide, but
      // we instead let capacity get twice as large so we
      // don't spend all our time copying.
      copy(b.buf, b.buf[b.off:])
     } else if c > maxInt-c-n {
     } else {
      // Not enough space anywhere, we need to allocate.
      buf := makeSlice(2*c + n)
      copy(buf, b.buf[b.off:])
      b.buf = buf
     // Restore b.off and len(b.buf).
     b.off = 0
     b.buf = b.buf[:m+n]
     return m



    func main() {
     var strs []string
     for i := 0; i  10; i++ {
     strs = append(strs, "hi")
     fmt.Println(strings.Join(strs, " "))


    // Join concatenates the elements of a to create a single string. The separator string
    // sep is placed between elements in the resulting string.
    func Join(a []string, sep string) string {
     switch len(a) {
     case 0:
      return ""
     case 1:
      return a[0]
     case 2:
      // Special case for common small values.
      // Remove if golang.org/issue/6714 is fixed
      return a[0] + sep + a[1]
     case 3:
      // Special case for common small values.
      // Remove if golang.org/issue/6714 is fixed
      return a[0] + sep + a[1] + sep + a[2]
     // 计算好最终的string的大小
     n := len(sep) * (len(a) - 1) //
     for i := 0; i  len(a); i++ {
      n += len(a[i])
     b := make([]byte, n)
     bp := copy(b, a[0])
     for _, s := range a[1:] {
      bp += copy(b[bp:], sep)
      bp += copy(b[bp:], s)
     return string(b)

    strings.Builder (go1.10+)

    看到这个名字,就想到了Java的库,哈哈,这个Builder用起来是最方便的,不过是在1.10后引入的。其高效也是体现在2倍速的内存增长, WriteString函数利用了slice类型对应append函数的2倍速增长。


    func main() {
     var s strings.Builder
     for i := 0; i  10; i++ {
      s.WriteString("hi ")


    @file: builder.go
    // WriteString appends the contents of s to b's buffer.
    // It returns the length of s and a nil error.
    func (b *Builder) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
     b.buf = append(b.buf, s...)
     return len(s), nil



    补充:go string的内部实现

    go string 内部实现



    func boo(a int, b int)(int, string){
     return a + b, "abcd"
    81079 000000000044dfa0 main.boo>:
    81080 44dfa0:>------48 c7 44 24 18 00 00 >--movq $0x0,0x18(%rsp)
    81081 44dfa7:>------00 00- 
    81082 44dfa9:>------0f 57 c0    >--xorps %xmm0,%xmm0
    81083 44dfac:>------0f 11 44 24 20  >--movups %xmm0,0x20(%rsp)
    81084 44dfb1:>------48 8b 44 24 08  >--mov 0x8(%rsp),%rax
    81085 44dfb6:>------48 03 44 24 10  >--add 0x10(%rsp),%rax
    81086 44dfbb:>------48 89 44 24 18  >--mov %rax,0x18(%rsp)
    81087 44dfc0:>------48 8d 05 d4 eb 01 00 >--lea 0x1ebd4(%rip),%rax  # 46cb9b go.string.*+0xbb>
    81088 44dfc7:>------48 89 44 24 20  >--mov %rax,0x20(%rsp)
    81089 44dfcc:>------48 c7 44 24 28 04 00 >--movq $0x4,0x28(%rsp)
    81090 44dfd3:>------00 00- 
    81091 44dfd5:>------c3     >--retq---


    81087 44dfc0:>------48 8d 05 d4 eb 01 00 >--lea 0x1ebd4(%rip),%rax  # 46cb9b go.string.*+0xbb>
    81088 44dfc7:>------48 89 44 24 20  >--mov %rax,0x20(%rsp)
    81089 44dfcc:>------48 c7 44 24 28 04 00 >--movq $0x4,0x28(%rsp)
    81090 44dfd3:>------00 00- 
    81091 44dfd5:>------c3     >--retq---
    lea 0x1ebd4(%rip),%rax得到char*, mov %rax,0x20(%rsp)复制给返回值, movq $0x4,0x28(%rsp)把长度也填进去,

    其实可以看到string就是c里面的char* 和len的组合


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    上一篇:golang 字符串拼接性能的对比分析
    下一篇:go 迭代string数组操作 go for string[]
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    Go语言模型:string的底层数据结构与高效操作详解 语言,模型,string,的,底层,