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    vbscript logparser的ISA2004 Web流量报告
    作为见面礼吧,把前一阵子写的一个生成ISA 2004 Web 流量报告的脚本与大家分享。说明下,该校本是首发而且仅发在这里,我没有在菊花里面或任何地方发过。大家可以随意更改脚本以便适合你的要求,转载请保留作者信息谢谢。

    我的很多客户希望能够每天或每周得到一份员工浏览Web情况的报告,例如所访问的站点以及流量等等,他们都使用ISA2004作为web proxy。由于ISA2004自带的report不能满足他们的要求,所以我写了这个脚本,用来生成报告。使用前请先阅读readme.txt
    复制代码 代码如下:

    'ISA 2004 Web Log Query Tool
    'Created by mwpq
    'Version 1.0
    'Date 2007.9.18

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim startdate, enddate
    Dim topweb, topuser,usertop, usertopweb

    'Configuration part of the script
    startdate = 1 ' the newest log files to be queried. 1 means one day ago
    interday = 7 ' the oldest log files is startdate + interday
    ' For example startdate =1, interday =7 means script will query log files between 8 days ago and yesterday's.

    topweb="Top 20" ' List Top 20 Websites visited. Just change 20 to other No to get what you want like "top 21" will list top 21 websites.
    topuser="Top 10" ' List Top 10 users and their total usage.
    Usertop = "Top 20" ' List Top 20 Users with their top websites, depend on uesrtopweb. set to "" to list all users web usage
    usertopweb = "Top 10"
    sMailTo = "mwpq@yahoo.com" 'Send email repor to
    sMailFrom = "admin@yourdomain.com 'Email comes from
    sMailSub = "ISA Web Traffic Report" 'Email Title
    sSMTPServer = "youremailserver" 'Email server
    strMessage = "Please see attachment for the ISA Web Traffic Report." 'Email txt body.
    satt = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft ISA Server\ISALogs\report.htm" 'Email attachment path. The report.htm will be created under ISA's log folder.


    Const cdoSendUsingMethod = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing", _
    cdoSendUsingPort = 2, _
    cdoSMTPServer = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver"

    'Create the html reprot and write the html header
    Const END_TABLE = " /TABLE>"
    Const ForReading = 1
    Const ForWriting = 2
    Const ForAppending = 8
    Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If oFSO.FileExists(".\report.htm") Then
    End If
    If oFSO.FileExists(".\tempsum.w3c") Then
    End If
    Set oFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile(".\report.htm", ForWriting, True, true)

    'Write the HTML head to file suit for IE viewer.
    oFile.writeline ("HTML>" vbcrlf _
    "HEAD>" vbcrlf _
    "TITLE> ISA Web Usage Reports/TITLE>" VbCrLf _
    "style type=""text/css"">" vbcrlf)
    oFile.writeline ("!--" vbcrlf _
    ".Title {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color:'#0000cc'}" vbcrlf _
    ".head {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; color:'#ffffff'}" vbcrlf _
    ".category {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; color:'#ffffff'}" vbcrlf _
    ".result {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color:'#000000'}" vbcrlf _
    ".alert {font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; font-weight: bold; color:'#ff0000'}" vbcrlf _
    "a {color: '#000066'; text-decoration:none;}" vbcrlf _
    "a:hover {text-decoration:underline}" vbcrlf _
    "-->" vbcrlf)

    oFile.writeline ("/style>" VbCrLf _
    "/HEAD>" VbCrLf _
    "body bgcolor=#ffffff>" VbCrLf)

    oFile.writeline "p class = Title> ISA Web Traffic Report - From "date-startdate-interday" to "date-startdate
    oFile.writeline "p>"
    'End of create html report header part

    'build the log file name list
    spath = ""

    while interday >= 0

    dtmDate = date - startdate - interday

    'Convert the current Date to UTC
    strDay = Day(dtmDate)
        If Len(strDay) 2 Then
         strDay = "0" strDay
        End If
    strMonth = Month(dtmDate)
        If Len(strMonth) 2 Then
         strMonth = "0" strMonth
        End If
    strYear = Year(dtmDate)

    sdate = strYear strMonth strDay

    stemp2 = "'""ISALOG_"sdate"_WEB_* ""'"
    spath = spath stemp2

    if interday - startday > 0 then
    spath = spath", "
    end if

    interday = interday - 1

    'Create a temp sumary file
    set objLogParser = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery")
    Set objInputFormat = _
    SET w3cOutputFormat = WScript.CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery.W3COutputFormat")
    w3cOutputFormat.filemode = 1 ' Set file to overwrite mode
    strQuery = "SELECT cs-username, r-host, Sum(add(cs-bytes,sc-bytes)) as SRdata into 'tempsum.w3c' FROM "spath" where sc-Network = 'External' group by cs-username,r-host order by SRdata DESC"
    objLogParser.Executebatch strQuery, objInputFormat,w3cOutputFormat

    'check tempsum.w3c existed
    Set oFSO1 = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If oFSO1.FileExists(".\tempsum.w3c") Then
    oFSO1 = nothing
    wscript.echo "Sorry cannot find some of the log files to query! Script Quit."
    End If

    'Generate report based on temp file.

    'Generate top web sites.
    oFile.writeline (BEGIN_TABLE VbCrLf)
    mWHeading topweb" Websites"
        mWTitle "Site Name"
        mWTitle "Traffic (MB)"

    set objLogParser10 = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery")
    Set objInputFormat10 = _
    'objInputFormat.recurse = 2

    strQuery10 = "SELECT "topweb" r-host, sum(SRdata) as TSRData FROM 'tempsum.w3c' group by r-host order by TSRdata DESC"
    Set objRecordSet10 = objLogParser10.Execute(strQuery10, objInputFormat10)
    Do While Not objRecordSet10.AtEnd
    Set objRecord10 = objRecordSet10.GetRecord

    if fl = 0 then

    mWDetail2 objRecord10.GetValue("r-host")
    mwDetail2 FormatNumber(objRecord10.GetValue("TSRdata")/1048576,2)
    mWDetail1 objRecord10.GetValue("r-host")
    mwDetail1 FormatNumber(objRecord10.GetValue("TSRdata")/1048576,2)
        end if

    'wscript.echo "uri" objRecord2.GetValue("r-host") "---" objRecord2.GetValue("SRdata")

    oFile.writeline (END_TABLE VbCrLf)


    'Generate top user list.
    oFile.writeline (BEGIN_TABLE VbCrLf)
    mWHeading topuser" Users list"
        mWTitle "logon Name"
        mWTitle "Traffic (MB)"

    set objLogParser11 = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery")
    Set objInputFormat11 = _
    'objInputFormat.recurse = 2

    strQuery11 = "SELECT "topuser" cs-username, Sum(SRdata) as TSRdata FROM 'tempsum.w3c' group by cs-username order by TSRdata DESC"
    Set objRecordSet11 = objLogParser11.Execute(strQuery11, objInputFormat11)
    Do While Not objRecordSet11.AtEnd
    Set objRecord11 = objRecordSet11.GetRecord

    if fl=0 then
    mWDetail2 objRecord11.GetValue("cs-username")
    mwDetail2 FormatNumber(objRecord11.GetValue("TSRdata")/1048576,2)
    fl =1
    mWDetail1 objRecord11.GetValue("cs-username")
    mwDetail1 FormatNumber(objRecord11.GetValue("TSRdata")/1048576,2)
    fl =0
    end if
    'wscript.echo "uri" objRecord2.GetValue("r-host") "---" objRecord2.GetValue("SRdata")

    oFile.writeline (END_TABLE VbCrLf)


    set objLogParser1 = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery")
    Set objInputFormat1 = _

    strQuery1 = "SELECT "usertop" cs-username, Sum(SRdata) as TSRdata FROM 'tempsum.w3c' group by cs-username order by TSRdata DESC"

    Set objRecordSet1 = objLogParser1.Execute(strQuery1, objInputFormat1)
    oFile.writeline (BEGIN_TABLE VbCrLf)
    mWHeading usertop" Users' Web Traffic "

    Do While Not objRecordSet1.AtEnd
    Set objRecord1 = objRecordSet1.GetRecord
    strUsername = objRecord1.GetValue("cs-username")
    stt = "'"strUsername"'"

        mWTitle strUsername " ------ Total Web Traffic: " FormatNumber(objRecord1.GetValue("TSRdata")/1048576,2)" MB"
        mWTitle "Traffic (MB)"

    'Wscript.echo ""
    'wscript.echo stt " >>> data: " objRecord1.GetValue("TSRdata")

    set objLogParser2 = CreateObject("MSUtil.LogQuery")
    Set objInputFormat2 = _
    'objInputFormat.recurse = 2
    strQuery2 = "SELECT "usertopweb" r-host, SRdata FROM 'tempsum.w3c' where cs-username =" stt" group by r-host,SRdata"
    Set objRecordSet2 = objLogParser2.Execute(strQuery2, objInputFormat2)
    Do While Not objRecordSet2.AtEnd
    Set objRecord2 = objRecordSet2.GetRecord
    if fl=0 then
    mWDetail2 objRecord2.GetValue("r-host")
    mwDetail2 FormatNumber(objRecord2.GetValue("SRdata")/1048576,2)

    mWDetail1 objRecord2.GetValue("r-host")
    mwDetail1 FormatNumber(objRecord2.GetValue("SRdata")/1048576,2)

        end if

    'wscript.echo "uri" objRecord2.GetValue("r-host") "---" objRecord2.GetValue("SRdata")



    oFile.writeline (END_TABLE VbCrLf)

    ' Write the html end to report.
    oFile.WriteLine ("/body>")
    oFile.WriteLine ("/html>")

    'Methods to create html(title and table) part
    Private Sub mWHeading(sHeading)
                oFile.writeline ( _
    " tr>" vbCrLf _
    " td colspan=7 bgcolor=#0099cc class=head>" sHeading "/td>" vbCrLf _
    " /tr>" VbCrLf)

    End Sub

    Private Sub mWTitle(sContent)

                oFile.writeline ( _
    " TD bgcolor=#0099ff align=left class=category height=14>" sContent "/TD>" VbCrLf)
    End Sub

    Private Sub mWDetail1(sContent)
                oFile.writeline ( _
    " TD bgcolor=#dce3fc align=left class=result height=12>" sContent "/TD>" VbCrLf)
    End Sub

    Private Sub mWDetail2(sContent)
                oFile.writeline ( _
    " TD bgcolor=#e9fbfe align=left class=result height=12>" sContent "/TD>" VbCrLf)
    End Sub

    Private Sub mWAlert1(sContent)
    oFile.writeline ( _
    " TD bgcolor=#dce3fc align=left class=alert height=12>" sContent "/TD>" VbCrLf)
    End Sub

    Private Sub mWAlert2(sContent)
    oFile.writeline ( _
    " TD bgcolor=#e9fbfe align=left class=alert height=12>" sContent "/TD>" VbCrLf)
    End Sub

    Private Sub mWBRow
    oFile.writeline ( " tr>" VbCrLf)
    End Sub

    Private Sub mWERow
    oFile.writeline ( " /tr>" VbCrLf)
    End Sub
    Private Sub spacer(iHeight)

    oFile.writeline ( _
    " tr>td height=" iHeight ">/td>/tr>" VbCrLf)

    End Sub

    'End of create html method

    'Send email

        Dim iMsg, iConf, Flds    

        '// Create the CDO connections.
        Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
        Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
        Set Flds = iConf.Fields

        '// SMTP server configuration.
        With Flds
        .Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort

        '// Set the SMTP server address here.
        .Item(cdoSMTPServer) = sSMTPServer
        End With

        '// Set the message properties.
        With iMsg
        Set .Configuration = iConf
        .To = sMailTo
        .From = sMailFrom
        .Subject = sMailSub
        .TextBody = strMessage
        End With

        'iMsg.HTMLBody = sMailMessage
        '// Send the message.

        iMsg.AddAttachment satt

        iMsg.Send ' send the message.
        Set iMsg = Nothing
        Set iConf = Nothing

    上一篇:Vbs COM之打开/保存文件脚本代码
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