% '作用:文字防复制乱码 函数 'Date:2006-3-6 '作者:blue2004 '参数str 为原文,str1作者也是你自己,reslut产生乱码的种子 Function ReadToCode(str,Str1,result) dim name dim i,j,k If isnull(str) then ReadToCode="" Exit Function End If Randomize k=instr(str,"/P>") Do while k>0 result="" for i=0 to 19 j=Int(128 * Rnd)+1 if j=60 or j=62 then j=j+1 end if result =resultchr(j) ' 产生随机数。 next result="span style='DISPLAY: none'>"result"/span>" str=replace(str,"/p>",result"'/p>",1,1) k=instr(str,"/p>") loop str=replace(str,"'/p>","/p>")
k=instr(str,"br>") Do while k>0 result="" for i=0 to 19 j=Int(128 * Rnd)+1 if j=60 or j=62 then j=j+1 end if result =resultchr(j) ' 产生随机数。 next result="span style='DISPLAY: none'>"result"/span>" str=replace(str,"br>",result"'br>",1,1) k=instr(str,"br>") loop str=replace(str,"'br>","br>") ReadToCode=str"div align=right style='color=gray'>[版权归原作者及"Str1"共同拥有,转载请注明出处]/div>" End Function
Dim a a="嘎嘎,一篇br>不错的好p>文章哦/P>br>P>我艹,,让你偷。。木 JJ的家伙,嬲。。/p>"
'Only For Test response.write (a)
Dim b '为配合转换,字符串a的大小都替换成小写 b=ReadToCode(LCase(a),"blue2004","www.xxx.com")