2、AspJpeg功能摘要 支持JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF 和 PNG 格式图片. 输出格式始终为 JPEG 源图片可以来源于磁盘、内存、或者记录集(数据库) 缩略图片可以保存到磁盘、内存、或者HTTP流 支持三种更改大小方式: nearest-neighbor, bilinear, and bicubic. 可以在图片之上添加图片或者文字. 支持画中画 支持复制,反转,旋转,锐化,灰度调节. 可以调节压缩比率,以得到最佳输出效果和大小. 从Jpeg图片中抽取EXIF 和 IPTC数据. CMYK-RGB转换 Read/write access to individual pixels of an image. (从图象中对任意象素进行读/写存取。)
3、AspJpeg系统需求 Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/2003, and IIS 4.0+ and ASP/ASP.NET, or Visual Basic 5.0+, or Visual C++ 5.0+, or any development environment supporting COM.
9、如何用AspJpeg组件进行图片合并? AspJpeg 1.3+ enables you to place images on top of each other via the method DrawImage. To use this method, you must create two instances of the AspJpeg objects and populate both of them with images via calls to Open (or OpenBinary). When calling Canvas.DrawImage, the 2nd instance of AspJpeg is passed as an argument to this method, along with the X and Y offsets (in pixels): 使用该方法,您必需创建两个AspJpeg实例对象 % Set Jpeg1 = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg") Set Jpeg2 = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg") Jpeg1.Open Server.MapPath("t.jpg") Jpeg2.Open Server.MapPath("t1.jpg") Jpeg1.Canvas.DrawImage 10, 10, Jpeg2 ' optional arguments omitted jpeg1.save Server.mappath("tt.jpg") %>
10、如何用AspJpeg组件进行图片切割? AspJpeg 1.1+ is also capable of cutting off edges from, or cropping, the resultant thumbnails via the method Crop(x0, y0, x1, y1). The size of the cropped image is specified by the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners within the resultant thumbnail, not the original large image. % Set Jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg") Jpeg.Open Server.MapPath("t.jpg") jpeg.Crop 20, 30, jpeg.Width - 20, jpeg.Height - 10 jpeg.save Server.mappath("tt.jpg") Response.write("img src=tt.jpg>") %>
11、如何用AspJpeg组件创建安全码? 创建安全码原理上和创建水印差不多。 % function make_randomize(max_len,w_n) 'max_len 生成长度,w_n:0 可能包含字母,1:只为数字 randomize for intcounter=1 to max_len whatnext=int((1-0+1)*rnd+w_n) if whatnext=0 then upper=122 lower=97 else upper=57 lower=48 end if strnewpass=strnewpass chr(int((upper-lower+1)*rnd)+lower) next make_randomize=strnewpass end function
12、如何让AspJpeg组件支援数据库? 图片存进数据库只能以二进制数据保存,这里即利用AspJpeg的Binary方法,下面以两个AspJpeg用户手册上的代码为例,具体请参考AspJpeg用户手册: Opening Images from Memory % ' Using ADO, open database with an image blob strConnect = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" Server.MapPath("../db/aspjpeg.mdb") Set rs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") SQL = "select image_blob from images2 where id = " Request("id") rs.Open SQL, strConnect, 1, 3 Set Jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Jpeg") ' Open image directly from recordset Jpeg.OpenBinary rs("image_blob").Value ' Resize jpeg.Width = Request("Width") ' Set new height, preserve original aspect ratio jpeg.Height = jpeg.OriginalHeight * jpeg.Width / jpeg.OriginalWidth Jpeg.SendBinary rs.Close %>