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     * 饮料机
     * @author ben
    class JuiceMachine{
     * 糖果机一共存在四种状态:没钱,有钱,成功售出以及销售一空
     * 没钱的状态
     * @var INT
     const NOMONEY = 0;
     * 有钱的状态
     * @var INT
     const HASMONEY = 1;
     * 成功售出的状态
     * @var INT
     const SOLD = 2;
     * 销售一空的状态
     * @var INT
     const SOLDOUT = 3;
     * 记录糖果机当前的状态,初始化状态为售空
     * @var INT
     private $_state = JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT;
     * 该变量用于记录饮料机中饮料的数量
     private $_count; 
     * 构造方法,最主要是用来初始化count和state属性的
     public function __construct($count){
       $this->_count = $count;
       if($this->_count > 0){
         $this->_state = JuiceMachine::NOMONEY;
     * 投入硬币
     public function insertCoin(){
       if($this->_state == JuiceMachine::HASMONEY ){
         echo "you can't insert another coin!br />";
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::NOMONEY){
         echo "you just insert a coinbr />";
         $this->_state = JuiceMachine::HASMONEY;
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLD){
         echo "wait a minute, we are giving you a bottle of juicebr />";
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT){
         echo "you can't insert coin, the machine is already soldoutbr />";
     * 退回硬币
     public function retreatCoin(){
       if($this->_state == JuiceMachine::HASMONEY ){
         echo "coin return!br />";
         $this->_state = JuiceMachine::NOMONEY;
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::NOMONEY){
         echo "you have'nt inserted a coin yetbr />";
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLD){
         echo "sorry, you already clicked the bottonbr />";
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT){
         echo "you have'nt inserted a coin yetbr />";
     * 点击饮料对应的按钮
     public function clickButton(){
       if($this->_state == JuiceMachine::HASMONEY ){
         echo "you clicked, we are giving you a bottle of juice...br />";
         $this->_state = JuiceMachine::SOLD;  //改变饮料机的状态为售出模式
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::NOMONEY){
         echo "you clicked,but you hav'nt inserted a coin yetbr />";
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLD){
         echo "click twice does'nt get you two bottle of juicebr />";
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT){
         echo "you clicked, but the machine is already soldoutbr />";
     * 发放饮料
     public function dispend(){
       if($this->_state == JuiceMachine::HASMONEY ){
         echo "please click the button firstbr />";
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::NOMONEY){
         echo "you need to pay firstbr />";
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLD){
         echo "now you get you juicebr />";
         if($this->_count = 0){
           echo "opps, runing out of juicebr />";
           $this->_state = JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT;
           $this->_state = JuiceMachine::NOMONEY;
       }elseif($this->_state == JuiceMachine::SOLDOUT){
         echo "opps, it appears that we don't have any juice leftbr />";


    require_once 'JuiceMachine.php';
    $juiceMachine = new JuiceMachine(1);


    you just insert a coin
    you clicked, we are giving you a bottle of juice...
    now you get you juice
    opps, runing out of juice







    interface State{
       * 插入硬币
      public function insertCoin();
       * 回退硬币
      public function retreatCoin();
       * 点击按钮
      public function clickButton();
       * 发放饮料
      public function dispend();


    require_once 'State.php';
    class NomoneyState implements State{
       * 饮料机的实例
       * @var object
      private $_juiceMachine;
       * 构造方法,主要用于初始化饮料机实例
      public function __construct($juiceMachine){
        $this->_juiceMachine = $juiceMachine;
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::insertCoin()
      public function insertCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "you just insert a coinbr />";
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::retreatCoin()
      public function retreatCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "you have'nt inserted a coin yetbr />";
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::clickButton()
      public function clickButton()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "you clicked,but you hav'nt inserted a coin yetbr />";
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::dispend()
      public function dispend()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "you need to pay firstbr />";


    require_once 'State.php';
    class HasmoneyState implements State
       * 饮料机的实例
       * @var object
      private $_juiceMachine;
       * 构造方法,主要用于初始化饮料机实例
      public function __construct($juiceMachine)
        $this->_juiceMachine = $juiceMachine;
       * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::insertCoin()
      public function insertCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "you can't insert another coin!br />";
       * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::retreatCoin()
      public function retreatCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "coin return!br />";
       * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::clickButton()
      public function clickButton()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "you clicked, we are giving you a bottle of juice...br />";
        // 改变饮料机的状态为售出模式
        $rand = mt_rand(0, 0);
        // 当随机数为0(即1/10的概率)并且饮料机中还有1瓶以上的饮料时
        if ($rand == 0  $this->_juiceMachine->getCount() > 1) {
        } else {
       * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::dispend()
      public function dispend()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "please click the button firstbr />";


    require_once 'State.php';
    class SoldoutState implements State{
       * 饮料机的实例
       * @var object
      private $_juiceMachine;
       * 构造方法,主要用于初始化饮料机实例
      public function __construct($juiceMachine){
        $this->_juiceMachine = $juiceMachine;
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::insertCoin()
      public function insertCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "you can't insert coin, the machine is already soldoutbr />";
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::retreatCoin()
      public function retreatCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "you have'nt inserted a coin yetbr />";
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::clickButton()
      public function clickButton()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "you clicked, but the machine is already soldoutbr />";
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::dispend()
      public function dispend()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "opps, it appears that we don't have any juice leftbr />";


    require_once 'State.php';
    class SoldState implements State{
       * 饮料机的实例
       * @var object
      private $_juiceMachine;
       * 构造方法,主要用于初始化饮料机实例
      public function __construct($juiceMachine){
        $this->_juiceMachine = $juiceMachine;
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::insertCoin()
      public function insertCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "wait a minute, we are giving you a bottle of juicebr />";
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::retreatCoin()
      public function retreatCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "sorry, you already clicked the bottonbr />";
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::clickButton()
      public function clickButton()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "click twice does'nt get you two bottle of juicebr />";
     /* (non-PHPdoc)
       * @see State::dispend()
      public function dispend()
        if($this->_juiceMachine->getCount() = 0){
          echo "opps, runing out of juicebr />";


    require_once 'State.php';
    class WinnerState implements State
       * 饮料机的实例
       * @var object
      private $_juiceMachine;
       * 构造方法,主要用于初始化饮料机实例
      public function __construct($juiceMachine)
        $this->_juiceMachine = $juiceMachine;
       * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::insertCoin()
      public function insertCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "wait a minute, we are giving you a bottle of juicebr />";
       * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::retreatCoin()
      public function retreatCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "sorry, you already clicked the bottonbr />";
       * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::clickButton()
      public function clickButton()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        echo "click twice does'nt get you two bottle of juicebr />";
       * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::dispend()
      public function dispend()
        echo "you are a winner! you get two bottle of juice!br />";
        if ($this->_juiceMachine->getCount() > 0) {
          if ($this->_juiceMachine->getCount() = 0) {
            echo "opps, runing out of juicebr />";
            // 如果这时饮料机中没有饮料了,将饮料机的状态重置为销售一空
          } else {
            // 将饮料机的状态重置为没有钱
        } else {
          echo "opps, runing out of juicebr />";
          // 如果这时饮料机中没有饮料了,将饮料机的状态重置为销售一空


    require_once './state/NomoneyState.php';
    require_once './state/HasmoneyState.php';
    require_once './state/SoldState.php';
    require_once './state/SoldoutState.php';
    require_once './state/WinnerState.php';
    class JuiceMachine
       * 记录糖果机当前的状态,初始化状态为售空
       * @var object
      private $_state;
       * 该变量用于记录饮料机中饮料的数量
      private $_count;
       * 构造方法,最主要是用来初始化count和state属性的
      public function __construct($count)
        $this->_state = new SoldoutState($this);
        $this->_count = $count;
        // 当饮料机中的饮料数量大于零时,将饮料机的状态重置为没有钱的状态。
        if ($this->_count > 0) {
          $this->_state = new NomoneyState($this);
       * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::insertCoin()
      public function insertCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::retreatCoin()
      public function retreatCoin()
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       * (non-PHPdoc) @see State::clickButton()
      public function clickButton()
       * 设置糖果机的状态
       * @param State $state
      public function setState(State $state)
        $this->_state = $state;
       * 获取没有钱的状态
      public function getNomoneyState(){
        return new NomoneyState($this);
       * 获取有钱的状态
      public function getHasmoneyState(){
        return new HasmoneyState($this);
       * 获取售出的状态
      public function getSoldState(){
        return new SoldState($this);
       * 获取销售一空的状态
      public function getSoldoutState(){
        return new SoldoutState($this);
       * 获取幸运者的状态
      public function getWinnerState(){
        return new WinnerState($this);
       * 获取饮料机中饮料的数量
      public function getCount(){
        return $this->_count;
       * 将饮料数量减一
      public function decJuice(){
        echo "now you get you juicebr />";


    require_once 'JuiceMachine.php';
    $juiceMachine = new JuiceMachine(2);



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