参数命令 | 作用 |
-i iface | 网络接口:立即在指定网络接口上开启IP流量监视,iface为all指监视所有的网络接口,iface指相应的interface |
-g | 立即开始生成网络接口的概要状态信息 |
-d iface | 网络接口:在指定网络接口上立即开始监视明细的网络流量信息,iface指相应的interface |
-s iface | 网络接口:在指定网络接口上立即开始监视TCP和UDP网络流量信息,iface指相应的interface |
-z iface | 网络接口:在指定网络接口上显示包计数,iface指相应的interface |
-l iface | 网络接口:在指定网络接口上立即开始监视局域网工作站信息,iface指相应的interface |
-t timeout | 时间:指定iptraf指令监视的时间,timeout指监视时间的minute数 |
-B | 将标注输出重新定向到“/dev/null”,关闭标注输入,将程序作为后台进程运行 |
-L logfile | 指定一个文件用于记录所有命令行的log,默认文件是地址:/var/log/iptraf |
-I interval | 指定记录log的时间间隔(单位是minute),不包括IP traffic monitor |
-u | 允许使用不支持的接口作为以太网设备 |
-f | 清空所有计数器 |
-h | 显示帮助信息 |
方法五、watch ifconfig
watch ifconfig 可以每隔两秒监视网络状态、
watch -d ifconfig 可以每隔两秒监视网络状态, 并标记发生变化的部分
watch -d ifconfig eth0 可以每隔两秒只监视 网卡eth0, 并标记发生变化的部分
watch -d 'ifconfig eth0 | grep bytes' 可以每隔一秒只监视网卡eth0,只显示流量部分,并标记发生变化的部分
例如 watch ls -la file,这条命令的意思是没两秒察看 file1的文件大小变化情况。
退出: ctrl+c
watch - execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
watch [-dhvt] [-n seconds>] [--differences[=cumulative]] [--help] [--interval=seconds>] [--no-title] [--version] command>
watch runs command repeatedly, displaying its output (the first screenfull). This allows you to watch the program output change over time. By default, the program is run every 2 seconds; use -n or --interval to specify a different interval.
The -d or --differences flag will highlight the differences between successive updates. The --cumulative option makes highlighting "sticky", presenting a running display of all positions that have ever changed. The -t or --no-title option turns off the header showing the interval, command, and current time at the top of the display, as well as the following blank line. watch will run until interrupted.
Note that command is given to "sh -c" which means that you may need to use extra quoting to get the desired effect.
Note that POSIX option processing is used (i.e., option processing stops at the first non-option argument). This means that flags after command don't get interpreted by watch itself.
To watch for mail, you might do: watch -n 60 from
To watch the contents of a directory change, you could use: watch -d ls -l
If youre only interested in files owned by user joe, you might use: watch -d 'ls -l #124; fgrep joe'
You can watch for your administrator to install the latest kernel with: watch uname -r (Just kidding.)呵呵
Upon terminal resize, the screen will not be correctly repainted until the next scheduled update. All --differences highlighting is lost on that update as well.
Non-printing characters are stripped from program output. Use "cat -v" as part of the command pipeline if you want to see them.
watch cat /proc/net/dev