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    go 读取BMP文件头二进制读取方式


    WORD 两个字节 16bit

    DWORD 四个字节 32bit

    package main 
    import (
    func main() {
     file, err := os.Open("tim.bmp")
     if err != nil {
     defer file.Close() 
     var headA, headB byte
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, headA)
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, headB)
     var size uint32
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, size)
     var reservedA, reservedB uint16
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, reservedA)
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, reservedB)
     var offbits uint32
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, offbits) 
     fmt.Println(headA, headB, size, reservedA, reservedB, offbits) 


    66 77 196662 0 0 54


    package main 
    import (
    type BitmapInfoHeader struct {
     Size   uint32
     Width   int32
     Height   int32
     Places   uint16
     BitCount  uint16
     Compression uint32
     SizeImage  uint32
     XperlsPerMeter int32
     YperlsPerMeter int32
     ClsrUsed  uint32
     ClrImportant uint32
    func main() {
     file, err := os.Open("tim.bmp")
     if err != nil {
     defer file.Close() 
     var headA, headB byte
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, headA)
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, headB)
     var size uint32
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, size)
     var reservedA, reservedB uint16
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, reservedA)
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, reservedB)
     var offbits uint32
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, offbits)
     fmt.Println(headA, headB, size, reservedA, reservedB, offbits)
     infoHeader := new(BitmapInfoHeader)
     binary.Read(file, binary.LittleEndian, infoHeader)


    66 77 196662 0 0 54

    {40 256 256 1 24 0 196608 3100 3100 0 0}

    补充:golang(Go语言) byte/[]byte 与 二进制形式字符串 互转




    byte(3) –> “00000011”
    []byte{1,2,3} –> “[00000001 00000010 00000011]”
    “[00000011 10000000]” –> []byte{0x3, 0x80}

    开源库 biu


    //byte/[]byte -> string
    bs := []byte{1, 2, 3}
    s := biu.BytesToBinaryString(bs)
    fmt.Println(s) //[00000001 00000010 00000011]
    fmt.Println(biu.ByteToBinaryString(byte(3))) //00000011
    //string -> []byte
    s := "[00000011 10000000]"
    bs := biu.BinaryStringToBytes(s)
    fmt.Printf("%#v\n", bs) //[]byte{0x3, 0x80}


    const (
     zero = byte('0')
     one = byte('1')
     lsb = byte('[') // left square brackets
     rsb = byte(']') // right square brackets
     space = byte(' ')
    var uint8arr [8]uint8
    // ErrBadStringFormat represents a error of input string's format is illegal .
    var ErrBadStringFormat = errors.New("bad string format")
    // ErrEmptyString represents a error of empty input string.
    var ErrEmptyString = errors.New("empty string")
    func init() {
     uint8arr[0] = 128
     uint8arr[1] = 64
     uint8arr[2] = 32
     uint8arr[3] = 16
     uint8arr[4] = 8
     uint8arr[5] = 4
     uint8arr[6] = 2
     uint8arr[7] = 1
    // append bytes of string in binary format.
    func appendBinaryString(bs []byte, b byte) []byte {
     var a byte
     for i := 0; i  8; i++ {
      a = b
      b = 1
      b >>= 1
      switch a {
      case b:
       bs = append(bs, zero)
       bs = append(bs, one)
      b = 1
     return bs
    // ByteToBinaryString get the string in binary format of a byte or uint8.
    func ByteToBinaryString(b byte) string {
     buf := make([]byte, 0, 8)
     buf = appendBinaryString(buf, b)
     return string(buf)
    // BytesToBinaryString get the string in binary format of a []byte or []int8.
    func BytesToBinaryString(bs []byte) string {
     l := len(bs)
     bl := l*8 + l + 1
     buf := make([]byte, 0, bl)
     buf = append(buf, lsb)
     for _, b := range bs {
      buf = appendBinaryString(buf, b)
      buf = append(buf, space)
     buf[bl-1] = rsb
     return string(buf)
    // regex for delete useless string which is going to be in binary format.
    var rbDel = regexp.MustCompile(`[^01]`)
    // BinaryStringToBytes get the binary bytes according to the
    // input string which is in binary format.
    func BinaryStringToBytes(s string) (bs []byte) {
     if len(s) == 0 {
     s = rbDel.ReplaceAllString(s, "")
     l := len(s)
     if l == 0 {
     mo := l % 8
     l /= 8
     if mo != 0 {
     bs = make([]byte, 0, l)
     mo = 8 - mo
     var n uint8
     for i, b := range []byte(s) {
      m := (i + mo) % 8
      switch b {
      case one:
       n += uint8arr[m]
      if m == 7 {
       bs = append(bs, n)
       n = 0


    • goland中文件头自动注释的操作
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    • 浅谈golang二进制bit位的常用操作
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    go 读取BMP文件头二进制读取方式 读取,BMP,文件,头,二进制,