Dim Rs, SQL, i, strContent, foundstr Dim sTitle, sTopic, ChildStr, ListStyle, BestCode, BestString Dim ArticleTopic, ClassName, HtmlFileUrl, WriteTime, LinkTarget, HtmlFileName
On Error Resume Next Newasp.LoadChannel(ChannelID)
If CInt(stype) >= 4 And CLng(ClassID) > 0 Then SQL = "SELECT ChildStr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID=" ChannelID " And ClassID=" ClassID Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then Set Rs = Nothing LoadArticleList = "" Exit Function Else ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr") End If Set Rs = Nothing Else ChildStr = "0" End If
Select Case CInt(stype) Case 0: foundstr = "Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 1: foundstr = "And A.isBest > 0 Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 2: foundstr = "Order By A.AllHits Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 3: foundstr = "And (A.BriefTopic = 1 Or A.BriefTopic = 2) Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 4: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 5: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") And A.isBest > 0 Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 6: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") Order By A.AllHits Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 7: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") And (A.BriefTopic = 1 Or A.BriefTopic = 2) Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case Else foundstr = "Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" End Select If CInt(stype) >= 4 And CLng(ClassID) = 0 Then foundstr = "Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" End If If CLng(SpecialID) > 0 Then foundstr = "And A.SpecialID =" CLng(SpecialID) " " foundstr End If SQL = " A.ArticleID,A.ClassID,A.ColorMode,A.FontMode,A.title,A.BriefTopic,A.AllHits,A.WriteTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.isBest," SQL = "SELECT Top " CInt(TopNum) SQL " C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.HtmlFileDir,C.UseHtml FROM [NC_Article] A INNER JOIn [NC_Classify] C ON A.ClassID=C.ClassID WHERE A.isAccept>0 And A.ChannelID=" ChannelID " " foundstr "" Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) i = 0 If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strContent = "该分类还没有添加任何内容!" Else strContent = "table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>" Do While Not Rs.EOF If (i Mod 2) = 0 Then ListStyle = Trim(styles) 1 Else ListStyle = Trim(styles) 2 End If If Rs("isBest") > 0 Then BestCode = 2 BestString = "font color='" Newasp.MainSetting(3) "'>推荐/font>" Else BestCode = 1 BestString = "" End If
ClassName = Newasp.ReadFontMode(Rs("ClassName"), Rs("ColorModes"), Rs("FontModes")) HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Rs("ArticleID"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") Newasp.ShowDatePath(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName ClassName = "a href='" Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") "index" Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt "'>" ClassName "/a>" Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" Rs("ArticleID") ClassName = "a href='" Newasp.ChannelPath "list.asp?classid=" Rs("ClassID") "'>" ClassName "/a>" End If
If CInt(showclass) = 0 Then ClassName = "" If CInt(showpic) = 0 Then sTopic = "" If CInt(showdate) > 0 Then WriteTime = Newasp.ShowDateTime(Rs("WriteTime"), CInt(DateMode)) Else WriteTime = "" End If If CInt(newindow) > 0 Then LinkTarget = " target=""_blank""" Else LinkTarget = "" End If ArticleTopic = "a href='" HtmlFileUrl "'" LinkTarget " title='" Newasp.ChannelModule "标题:" Rs("title") "#13;#10;发布时间:" Rs("WriteTime") "#13;#10;阅览次数:" Rs("AllHits") "' class=showlist>" sTitle "/a>" strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ArticleTopic}", ArticleTopic) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ArticleID}", Rs("ArticleID")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$InstallDir}", Newasp.InstallDir) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ArticleTitle}", sTitle) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$Title}", Rs("title")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$DateAndTitle}", Rs("WriteTime")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$BriefTopic}", sTopic) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$HtmlFileUrl}", HtmlFileUrl) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ClassName}", ClassName) strContent = Replace(strContent, "[]", "") strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$Target}", LinkTarget) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$WriteTime}", WriteTime) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$AticleHits}", Rs("AllHits")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ListStyle}", ListStyle) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$BestCode}", BestCode) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$BestString}", BestString) Rs.MoveNext i = i + 1 Loop strContent = strContent "/table>" End If
Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing LoadArticleList = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadArticleList '作 用:读取文章列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadArticleList(ByVal str) Dim strTemp, i Dim sTempContent, nTempContent Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents, ArrayList On Error Resume Next strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadArticleList(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadArticleList(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadArticleList(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadArticleList(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8), ArrayList(9), ArrayList(10), ArrayList(11))) Next End If ReadArticleList = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadSoftList '作 用:装载软件列表 '参 数:ClassID ----分类ID ' ChannelID ----频道ID ' sType ----调用类型 ' TopNum ----显示列表数 ' strlen ----显示标题长度 ' ShowClass ----是否显示分类 ' ShowDate ----是否显示日期 ' DateMode ----显示日期模式 ' newindow ----新窗口打开 '================================================ Public Function LoadSoftList(ByVal ChannelID, ByVal ClassID, ByVal SpecialID, _ ByVal stype, ByVal TopNum, ByVal strLen, ByVal showclass, _ ByVal showdate, ByVal DateMode, ByVal newindow, ByVal styles)
Dim Rs, SQL, i, strContent, foundstr,j Dim strSoftName, ChildStr, ListStyle Dim HtmlFileName, BestCode, BestString,ChannelPath Dim ClassName, HtmlFileUrl, SoftTime, LinkTarget, SoftTopic
On Error Resume Next Newasp.LoadChannel(ChannelID)
If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) > 0 Then SQL = "SELECT ChildStr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID=" ChannelID " And ClassID = " ClassID Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then Set Rs = Nothing LoadSoftList = "" Exit Function Else ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr") End If Rs.Close Else ChildStr = 0 End If Select Case CInt(stype) Case 0: foundstr = "Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case 1: foundstr = "And A.isBest > 0 Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case 2: foundstr = "Order By A.AllHits Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case 3: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case 4: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") And A.isBest > 0 Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case 5: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") Order By A.AllHits Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case Else foundstr = "Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" End Select If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) = 0 Then foundstr = "Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" End If If CLng(SpecialID) > 0 Then foundstr = "And A.SpecialID =" CLng(SpecialID) " " foundstr End If SQL = " A.SoftID,A.ClassID,A.ColorMode,A.FontMode,A.SoftName,A.SoftVer,A.AllHits,A.SoftTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.isBest," SQL = "SELECT TOP " CInt(TopNum) SQL " C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.HtmlFileDir,C.UseHtml FROM [NC_SoftList] A INNER JOIN [NC_Classify] C On A.ClassID=C.ClassID WHERE A.isAccept>0 And A.ChannelID=" ChannelID " " foundstr "" Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) j = 0
If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strContent = "没有添加任何软件!" Else SQL=Rs.GetRows(-1) strContent = "table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>" For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2) If (j Mod 2) = 0 Then ListStyle = Trim(styles) 1 Else ListStyle = Trim(styles) 2 End If If CInt(SQL(9,i)) > 0 Then BestCode = 2 BestString = "font color='" Newasp.MainSetting(3) "'>推荐/font>" Else BestCode = 1 BestString = "" End If strContent = strContent Newasp.MainSetting(14) strSoftName = Newasp.GotTopic(SQL(4,i) " " SQL(5,i), CInt(strLen)) strSoftName = Newasp.ReadFontMode(strSoftName, SQL(2,i), SQL(3,i)) ClassName = Newasp.ReadFontMode(SQL(10,i), SQL(11,i), SQL(12,i)) HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(SQL(8,i), SQL(0,i), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath SQL(13,i) Newasp.ShowDatePath(SQL(8,i), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName ClassName = "a href='" Newasp.ChannelPath SQL(13,i) "index" Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt "'>" ClassName "/a>" Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" SQL(0,i) ClassName = "a href='" Newasp.ChannelPath "list.asp?classid=" SQL(1,i) "'>" ClassName "/a>" End If If CInt(showclass) = 0 Then ClassName = "" If CInt(showdate) > 0 Then SoftTime = Newasp.ShowDateTime(SQL(7,i), CInt(DateMode)) Else SoftTime = "" End If If CInt(newindow) > 0 Then LinkTarget = " target=""_blank""" Else LinkTarget = "" End If SoftTopic = "a href='" HtmlFileUrl "'" LinkTarget " title='" Newasp.ChannelModule "名称:" Trim(SQL(4,i) " " SQL(5,i)) "#13;#10;发布时间:" SQL(7,i) "#13;#10;下载次数:" SQL(6,i) "' class=showlist>" strSoftName "/a>" strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftTopic}", SoftTopic) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftID}", Rs("softid")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$InstallDir}", Newasp.InstallDir) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftName}", strSoftName) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$Title}", SQL(4,i)) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$DateAndTitle}", SQL(7,i)) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$HtmlFileUrl}", HtmlFileUrl) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ClassName}", ClassName) strContent = Replace(strContent, "[]", "") strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$Target}", LinkTarget) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftTime}", SoftTime) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftHits}", SQL(6,i)) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ListStyle}", ListStyle) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$BestCode}", BestCode) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$BestString}", BestString) j = j + 1 Next SQL=Null strContent = strContent "/table>" End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing LoadSoftList = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadSoftList '作 用:读取软件列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadSoftList(ByVal str) Dim strTemp, i Dim sTempContent, nTempContent Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents, ArrayList On Error Resume Next strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadSoftList(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadSoftList(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadSoftList(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadSoftList(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8), ArrayList(9), ArrayList(10))) Next End If ReadSoftList = strTemp End Function
Dim Rs, SQL, i, strContent, foundstr,j Dim strTitle, ChildStr, ListStyle Dim HtmlFileName, BestCode, BestString,ChannelPath Dim ClassName, HtmlFileUrl, addTime, LinkTarget, FlashTopic
On Error Resume Next Newasp.LoadChannel(ChannelID)
If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) > 0 Then SQL = "SELECT ChildStr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID=" ChannelID " And ClassID = " ClassID Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then Set Rs = Nothing LoadFlashList = "" Exit Function Else ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr") End If Rs.Close Else ChildStr = 0 End If Select Case CInt(stype) Case 0: foundstr = "Order By A.addTime Desc ,A.flashid Desc" Case 1: foundstr = "And A.isBest > 0 Order By A.addTime Desc ,A.flashid Desc" Case 2: foundstr = "Order By A.AllHits Desc ,A.flashid Desc" Case 3: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") Order By A.addTime Desc ,A.flashid Desc" Case 4: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") And A.isBest > 0 Order By A.addTime Desc ,A.flashid Desc" Case 5: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") Order By A.AllHits Desc ,A.flashid Desc" Case Else foundstr = "Order By A.addTime Desc ,A.flashid Desc" End Select If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) = 0 Then foundstr = "Order By A.addTime Desc ,A.flashid Desc" End If If CLng(SpecialID) > 0 Then foundstr = "And A.SpecialID =" CLng(SpecialID) " " foundstr End If SQL = " A.flashid,A.ClassID,A.ColorMode,A.FontMode,A.title,A.Author,A.AllHits,A.addTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.isBest," SQL = "SELECT TOP " CInt(TopNum) SQL " C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.HtmlFileDir,C.UseHtml FROM [NC_FlashList] A INNER JOIN [NC_Classify] C On A.ClassID=C.ClassID WHERE A.isAccept>0 And A.ChannelID=" ChannelID " " foundstr "" Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) j = 0
If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strContent = "没有添加任何信息!" Else SQL=Rs.GetRows(-1) strContent = "table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>" For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2) If (j Mod 2) = 0 Then ListStyle = Trim(styles) 1 Else ListStyle = Trim(styles) 2 End If If CInt(SQL(9,i)) > 0 Then BestCode = 2 BestString = "font color='" Newasp.MainSetting(3) "'>推荐/font>" Else BestCode = 1 BestString = "" End If strContent = strContent Newasp.MainSetting(22) strTitle = Newasp.GotTopic(SQL(4,i), CInt(strLen)) strTitle = Newasp.ReadFontMode(strTitle, SQL(2,i), SQL(3,i)) ClassName = Newasp.ReadFontMode(SQL(10,i), SQL(11,i), SQL(12,i)) HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(SQL(8,i), SQL(0,i), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath SQL(13,i) Newasp.ShowDatePath(SQL(8,i), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName ClassName = "a href='" Newasp.ChannelPath SQL(13,i) "index" Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt "'>" ClassName "/a>" Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" SQL(0,i) ClassName = "a href='" Newasp.ChannelPath "list.asp?classid=" SQL(1,i) "'>" ClassName "/a>" End If If CInt(showclass) = 0 Then ClassName = "" If CInt(showdate) > 0 Then addTime = Newasp.ShowDateTime(SQL(7,i), CInt(DateMode)) Else addTime = "" End If If CInt(newindow) > 0 Then LinkTarget = " target=""_blank""" Else LinkTarget = "" End If FlashTopic = "a href='" HtmlFileUrl "'" LinkTarget " title='" Newasp.ChannelModule "名称:" SQL(4,i) "#13;#10;发布时间:" SQL(7,i) "#13;#10;下载次数:" SQL(6,i) "' class=showlist>" strTitle "/a>" strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$FlashTopic}", FlashTopic) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$FlashID}", Rs("flashid")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$InstallDir}", Newasp.InstallDir) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$FlashTopic}", strTitle) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$Title}", SQL(4,i)) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$DateAndTime}", SQL(7,i)) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$HtmlFileUrl}", HtmlFileUrl) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ClassName}", ClassName) strContent = Replace(strContent, "[]", "") strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$Target}", LinkTarget) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$addTime}", addTime) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$FlashHits}", SQL(6,i)) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ListStyle}", ListStyle) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$BestCode}", BestCode) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$BestString}", BestString) j = j + 1 Next SQL=Null strContent = strContent "/table>" End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing LoadFlashList = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadFlashList '作 用:读取动画列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadFlashList(ByVal str) Dim strTemp, i Dim sTempContent, nTempContent Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents, ArrayList On Error Resume Next strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadFlashList(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadFlashList(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadFlashList(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadFlashList(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8), ArrayList(9), ArrayList(10))) Next End If ReadFlashList = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadAnnounceContent '作 用:装载内容公告 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function LoadAnnounceContent(ByVal sTopic, ByVal ChannelID) Dim SQL, Rs, strTemp strTemp = "" sTopic = Newasp.CheckStr(sTopic) If sTopic > "" And sTopic > "0" Then SQL = "Select AnnounceID,Content,PostTime,writer From NC_Announce where AnnounceType=1 And title = '" sTopic "' Order By PostTime Desc,AnnounceID Desc" Else SQL = "Select AnnounceID,Content From NC_Announce where AnnounceType=1 And ChannelID in (" ChannelID ",999) Order By PostTime Desc,AnnounceID Desc" End If Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then strTemp = Rs("Content") End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing LoadAnnounceContent = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadAnnounceContent '作 用:读取内容公告 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadAnnounceContent(ByVal str, ByVal ChannelID) Dim strTemp, i, sTempContent, nTempContent, strValue Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents On Error Resume Next strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$AnnounceContent(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$AnnounceContent(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$AnnounceContent(", ")}", 0) If nTempContent = "" Then nTempContent = "0" arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) strValue = arrTempContent(i) strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadAnnounceContent(strValue, ChannelID)) Next End If ReadAnnounceContent = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadAnnounceList '作 用:装载公告列表 '参 数:maxnum ----最多公告数 ' maxlen ----字符长度 ' newindow ----是否新窗口打开 1=是,0=否 ' showdate ----是否显示时间 1=是,0=否 ' DateMode ----时间模式 ' showtree ----树型显示 '================================================ Public Function LoadAnnounceList(ByVal ChannelID, ByVal maxnum, ByVal maxlen, _ ByVal newindow, ByVal showdate, ByVal DateMode, ByVal showtree)
Dim Rs, SQL, strContent Dim AnnounceTopic, LinkTarget Dim PostTime
ChannelID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(ChannelID) maxnum = Newasp.ChkNumeric(maxnum) If maxnum = 0 Then maxnum = 10
On Error Resume Next Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT TOP " CInt(maxnum) " AnnounceID,title,Content,PostTime,writer,hits FROM NC_Announce WHERE (ChannelID=" ChannelID " Or ChannelID=999) And AnnounceType>1 ORDER BY PostTime DESC,AnnounceID DESC") If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then LoadAnnounceList = "" Set Rs = Nothing Exit Function Else Do While Not Rs.EOF If CInt(newindow) > 0 Then LinkTarget = " target=""_blank""" Else LinkTarget = "" End If If CInt(showdate) > 0 Then PostTime = Newasp.ShowDateTime(Rs("PostTime"), CInt(DateMode)) Else PostTime = "" End If AnnounceTopic = Newasp.GotTopic(Rs("title"), CInt(maxlen)) AnnounceTopic = "a href=""" Newasp.InstallDir "Announce.Asp?AnnounceID=" Rs("AnnounceID") """ title=""" Rs("title") """" LinkTarget ">" AnnounceTopic "/a>" If CInt(showtree) = 1 Then strContent = strContent "div>· " AnnounceTopic "/div>div align=""right"" class=""dottedline"">" PostTime "/div>" vbNewLine Else strContent = strContent "· " AnnounceTopic "nbsp;nbsp;" PostTime vbNewLine End If Rs.MoveNext Loop End If LoadAnnounceList = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadAnnounceList '作 用:读取公告列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadAnnounceList(ByVal str) Dim strTemp, i Dim sTempContent, nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents On Error Resume Next strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadAnnounceList(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadAnnounceList(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadAnnounceList(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadAnnounceList(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6))) Next End If ReadAnnounceList = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadArticlePic '作 用:装载文章图片列表 '参 数:ClassID ----分类ID ' ChannelID ----频道ID ' sType ----调用文章类型,0=所有最新文章,1=推荐文章,2=热门文章,3=图文文章,4=分类最新文章 ' TopNum ----显示文章列表数 ' strlen ----显示标题长度 ' ShowClass ----是否显示分类 ' ShowPic ----是否显示图文标题 ' ShowDate ----是否显示日期 ' DateMode ----显示日期模式 ' newindow ----新窗口打开 '================================================ Public Function LoadArticlePic(ChannelID, ClassID, SpecialID, stype, TopNum, PerRowNum, strLen, newindow, width, height, showtopic) Dim Rs, SQL, i, strContent, foundstr Dim sTitle, ChildStr, ImageUrl, HtmlFileName Dim HtmlFileUrl, WriteTime, LinkTarget
On Error Resume Next Newasp.LoadChannel(ChannelID)
If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) > 0 Then SQL = "SELECT ChildStr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID=" ChannelID " And ClassID=" ClassID Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then Set Rs = Nothing LoadArticlePic = "" Exit Function Else ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr") End If Set Rs = Nothing Else ChildStr = 0 End If Select Case CInt(stype) Case 0: foundstr = "Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 1: foundstr = "And A.isBest > 0 Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 2: foundstr = "Order By A.AllHits Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 3: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 4: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") And A.isBest > 0 Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case 5: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") Order By A.AllHits Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" Case Else foundstr = "Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" End Select If CInt(stype) >= 4 And CLng(ClassID) = 0 Then foundstr = "Order By A.Writetime Desc ,A.Articleid Desc" End If If CLng(SpecialID) > 0 Then foundstr = "And A.SpecialID =" CLng(SpecialID) " " foundstr End If SQL = " A.ArticleID,A.ClassID,A.title,A.AllHits,A.WriteTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.isBest,A.ImageUrl," SQL = "select Top " CInt(TopNum) SQL " C.ClassName,C.HtmlFileDir,C.UseHtml from [NC_Article] A inner join [NC_Classify] C On A.ClassID=C.ClassID where A.isAccept > 0 And A.ImageUrl>'' And A.ChannelID=" ChannelID " " foundstr "" Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strContent = "img src='" Newasp.InstallDir "images/no_pic.gif' width=" width " height=" height " border=0>" Else strContent = "table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=5>" vbCrLf Do While Not Rs.EOF
strContent = strContent "tr>" vbCrLf For i = 1 To CInt(PerRowNum) strContent = strContent "td align=""center"" class=""imagelist"">" If Not Rs.EOF Then sTitle = Newasp.GotTopic(Rs("title"), CInt(strLen)) ImageUrl = Newasp.GetImageUrl(Rs("ImageUrl"), Newasp.ChannelData(1)) ImageUrl = Newasp.GetFlashAndPic(ImageUrl, height, width)
HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Rs("ArticleID"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") Newasp.ShowDatePath(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" Rs("ArticleID") End If
If CInt(newindow) > 0 Then LinkTarget = " target=""_blank""" Else LinkTarget = "" End If strContent = strContent Newasp.MainSetting(18) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ArticlePicture}", "a href='" HtmlFileUrl "' title='" Rs("title") "'" LinkTarget ">" ImageUrl "/a>") If CInt(showtopic) = 1 Then strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ArticleTopic}", "a href='" HtmlFileUrl "' title='" Rs("title") "'" LinkTarget ">" sTitle "/a>") Else strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ArticleTopic}", vbNullString) End If strContent = strContent "/td>" vbCrLf Rs.MoveNext End If Next strContent = strContent "/tr>" vbCrLf Loop strContent = strContent "/table>" vbCrLf End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing LoadArticlePic = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadArticlePic '作 用:读取文章图片列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadArticlePic(ByVal str) Dim strTemp, i Dim sTempContent, nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents On Error Resume Next strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadArticlePic(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadArticlePic(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadArticlePic(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadArticlePic(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8), ArrayList(9), ArrayList(10))) Next End If ReadArticlePic = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadSoftPic '作 用:装载软件图片列表 '参 数:ClassID ----分类ID ' ChannelID ----频道ID ' sType ----调用软件类型,0=所有最新软件,1=推荐软件,2=热门软件 ' TopNum ----显示软件列表数 ' strlen ----显示标题长度 ' newindow ----新窗口打开 '================================================ Public Function LoadSoftPic(ChannelID, ClassID, SpecialID, stype, TopNum, PerRowNum, strLen, newindow, width, height, showtopic) Dim Rs, SQL, i, strContent, foundstr Dim strSoftName, ChildStr, SoftImage, HtmlFileName Dim HtmlFileUrl, SoftTime, LinkTarget
On Error Resume Next Newasp.LoadChannel(ChannelID)
If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) > 0 Then SQL = "select ChildStr from [NC_Classify] where ChannelID = " ChannelID " And ClassID = " ClassID Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then Set Rs = Nothing LoadSoftPic = "" Exit Function Else ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr") End If Rs.Close Else ChildStr = 0 End If Select Case CInt(stype) Case 0: foundstr = "Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case 1: foundstr = "And A.isBest > 0 Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case 2: foundstr = "Order By A.AllHits Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case 3: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case 4: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") And A.isBest > 0 Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case 5: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") Order By A.AllHits Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Case Else foundstr = "Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" End Select If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) = 0 Then foundstr = "Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" End If If CLng(SpecialID) > 0 Then foundstr = "And A.SpecialID =" CLng(SpecialID) " " foundstr End If SQL = " A.SoftID,A.ClassID,A.SoftName,A.SoftVer,A.AllHits,A.SoftTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.isBest,A.SoftImage," SQL = "select Top " CInt(TopNum) SQL " C.ClassName,C.HtmlFileDir,C.UseHtml from [NC_SoftList] A inner join [NC_Classify] C On A.ClassID=C.ClassID where A.isAccept>0 And A.SoftImage>'' And A.ChannelID=" ChannelID " " foundstr "" Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strContent = "img src='" Newasp.InstallDir "images/no_pic.gif' width=" width " height=" height " border=0>" Else strContent = "table width=""100%"" border=""0"" cellpadding=""1"" cellspacing=""3"">" vbCrLf Do While Not Rs.EOF strContent = strContent "tr>" vbCrLf For i = 1 To CInt(PerRowNum) strContent = strContent "td align=""center"" class=""imagelist"">" If Not Rs.EOF Then strSoftName = Newasp.GotTopic(Rs("SoftName") " " Rs("SoftVer"), CInt(strLen)) SoftImage = Newasp.GetImageUrl(Rs("SoftImage"), Newasp.ChannelData(1)) SoftImage = Newasp.GetFlashAndPic(SoftImage, height, width) HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Rs("SoftID"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") Newasp.ShowDatePath(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" Rs("SoftID") End If If CInt(newindow) > 0 Then LinkTarget = " target=""_blank""" Else LinkTarget = "" End If strContent = strContent Newasp.MainSetting(19) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftPicture}", "a href='" HtmlFileUrl "' title='" Rs("SoftName") "'" LinkTarget ">" SoftImage "/a>") If CInt(showtopic) = 1 Then strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftTopic}", "a href='" HtmlFileUrl "' title='" Rs("SoftName") "'" LinkTarget ">" strSoftName "/a>") Else strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftTopic}", vbNullString) End If strContent = strContent "/td>" vbCrLf Rs.MoveNext End If Next strContent = strContent "/tr>" vbCrLf Loop strContent = strContent "/table>" vbCrLf End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing LoadSoftPic = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadSoftPic '作 用:读取软件图片列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadSoftPic(ByVal str) Dim strTemp, i Dim sTempContent, nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents On Error Resume Next strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadSoftPic(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadSoftPic(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadSoftPic(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadSoftPic(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8), ArrayList(9), ArrayList(10))) Next End If ReadSoftPic = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadFlashPic '作 用:装载动画图片列表 '参 数:ClassID ----分类ID ' ChannelID ----频道ID ' sType ----调用动画类型,0=所有最新动画,1=推荐动画,2=热门动画 ' TopNum ----显示动画列表数 ' strlen ----显示标题长度 ' newindow ----新窗口打开 '================================================ Public Function LoadFlashPic(ByVal ChannelID, ByVal ClassID, ByVal SpecialID, _ ByVal stype, ByVal TopNum, ByVal PerRowNum, ByVal strLen, ByVal newindow, _ ByVal width, ByVal height, ByVal showtopic)
Dim Rs, SQL, i, strContent, foundstr Dim strtitle, ChildStr, miniature, HtmlFileName Dim HtmlFileUrl, addTime, LinkTarget
On Error Resume Next Newasp.LoadChannel(ChannelID)
If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) > 0 Then SQL = "SELECT ChildStr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID = " ChannelID " And ClassID = " ClassID Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then Set Rs = Nothing LoadFlashPic = "" Exit Function Else ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr") End If Rs.Close Else ChildStr = 0 End If
Select Case CInt(stype) Case 0: foundstr = "ORDER BY A.addTime DESC ,A.flashid DESC" Case 1: foundstr = "And A.isBest > 0 ORDER BY A.addTime DESC ,A.flashid DESC" Case 2: foundstr = "ORDER BY A.AllHits DESC ,A.flashid DESC" Case 3: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") ORDER BY A.addTime DESC ,A.flashid DESC" Case 4: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") And A.isBest > 0 ORDER BY A.addTime DESC ,A.flashid DESC" Case 5: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") ORDER BY A.AllHits DESC ,A.flashid DESC" Case Else foundstr = "ORDER BY A.addTime DESC ,A.flashid DESC" End Select If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) = 0 Then foundstr = "ORDER BY A.addTime DESC ,A.flashid DESC" End If If CLng(SpecialID) > 0 Then foundstr = "And A.SpecialID =" CLng(SpecialID) " " foundstr End If SQL = " A.flashid,A.ClassID,A.title,A.AllHits,A.addTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.isBest,A.miniature," SQL = "SELECT TOP " CInt(TopNum) SQL " C.ClassName,C.HtmlFileDir,C.UseHtml FROM [NC_FlashList] A INNER JOIN [NC_Classify] C On A.ClassID=C.ClassID WHERE A.isAccept>0 And A.miniature>'' And A.ChannelID=" ChannelID " " foundstr "" Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strContent = "img src='" Newasp.InstallDir "images/no_pic.gif' width=" width " height=" height " border=0>" Else strContent = "table width=""100%"" border=""0"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""3"">" vbCrLf Do While Not Rs.EOF strContent = strContent "tr>" vbCrLf For i = 1 To CInt(PerRowNum) strContent = strContent "td align=""center"" class=""imagelist"">" If Not Rs.EOF Then strtitle = Newasp.GotTopic(Rs("title"), CInt(strLen)) miniature = Newasp.GetImageUrl(Rs("miniature"), Newasp.ChannelData(1)) miniature = Newasp.GetFlashAndPic(miniature, height, width) HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Rs("flashid"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") Newasp.ShowDatePath(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" Rs("flashid") End If If CInt(newindow) > 0 Then LinkTarget = " target=""_blank""" Else LinkTarget = "" End If strContent = strContent Newasp.MainSetting(21) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$Miniature}", "a href='" HtmlFileUrl "' title='" Rs("title") "'" LinkTarget ">" miniature "/a>") If CInt(showtopic) = 1 Then strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$FlashTopic}", "a href='" HtmlFileUrl "' title='" Rs("title") "'" LinkTarget ">" strtitle "/a>") Else strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$FlashTopic}", vbNullString) End If strContent = strContent "/td>" vbCrLf Rs.MoveNext End If Next strContent = strContent "/tr>" vbCrLf Loop strContent = strContent "/table>" vbCrLf End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing LoadFlashPic = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadFlashPic '作 用:读取动画图片列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadFlashPic(ByVal str) Dim strTemp, i Dim sTempContent, nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents On Error Resume Next strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadFlashPic(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadFlashPic(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadFlashPic(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadFlashPic(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8), ArrayList(9), ArrayList(10))) Next End If ReadFlashPic = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadFriendLink '作 用:装载友情连接 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function LoadFriendLink(ByVal TopNum, ByVal PerRowNum, ByVal isLogo, ByVal orders) Dim Rs, SQL, i, strContent Dim strOrder, LinkAddress
strContent = "" If Not IsNumeric(TopNum) Then Exit Function If Not IsNumeric(PerRowNum) Then Exit Function If Not IsNumeric(isLogo) Then Exit Function If Not IsNumeric(orders) Then Exit Function On Error Resume Next If CInt(orders) = 1 Then '-- 首页显示按时间升序排列 strOrder = "And isIndex > 0 Order By LinkTime Desc,LinkID Desc" ElseIf CInt(orders) = 2 Then '-- 首页显示按点击数升序排列 strOrder = "And isIndex > 0 Order By LinkHist Desc,LinkID Desc" ElseIf CInt(orders) = 3 Then '-- 首页显示按点击数降序排列 strOrder = "And isIndex > 0 Order By LinkHist Desc,LinkID Asc" ElseIf CInt(orders) = 4 Then '-- 所有按升序排列 strOrder = "Order By LinkID Desc" ElseIf CInt(orders) = 5 Then '-- 所有按降序排列 strOrder = "Order By LinkID Asc" ElseIf CInt(orders) = 6 Then '-- 所有按点击数升序排列 strOrder = "Order By LinkHist Desc,LinkID Desc" ElseIf CInt(orders) = 7 Then '-- 所有按点击数降序排列 strOrder = "Order By LinkHist Desc,LinkID Asc" ElseIf CInt(orders) = 8 Then '-- 首页显示按名称排列 strOrder = "And isIndex > 0 Order By LinkName Desc,LinkID Desc" ElseIf CInt(orders) = 9 Then '-- 所有按名称排列 strOrder = "Order By LinkName Desc,LinkID Desc" Else '-- 首页显示按时间降序排列 strOrder = "And isIndex > 0 Order By LinkTime Asc,LinkID Asc" End If If CInt(isLogo) = 1 Or CInt(isLogo) = 3 Then SQL = "Select Top " CInt(TopNum) " LinkID,LinkName,LinkUrl,LogoUrl,Readme,LinkHist,isLogo from [NC_Link] where isLock = 0 And isLogo > 0 " strOrder "" Else SQL = "Select Top " CInt(TopNum) " LinkID,LinkName,LinkUrl,LogoUrl,Readme,LinkHist,isLogo from [NC_Link] where isLock = 0 And isLogo = 0 " strOrder "" End If Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then strContent = "table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=3 class=FriendLink1>" vbCrLf Do While Not Rs.EOF strContent = strContent "tr>" vbCrLf For i = 1 To CInt(PerRowNum) strContent = strContent "td align=center class=FriendLink2>" If Not Rs.EOF Then If CInt(isLogo) 2 Then LinkAddress = Newasp.InstallDir "link/link.asp?id=" Rs("LinkID") "url=" Trim(Rs("LinkUrl")) Else LinkAddress = Trim(Rs("LinkUrl")) End If If Rs("isLogo") = 1 Or CInt(isLogo) = 3 Then strContent = strContent "a href='" LinkAddress "' target=_blank title='主页名称:" Rs("LinkName") "#13;#10;点击次数:" Rs("LinkHist") "'>img src='" Newasp.ReadFileUrl(Rs("LogoUrl")) "' width=88 height=31 border=0>/a>" Else strContent = strContent "a href='" LinkAddress "' target=_blank title='主页名称:" Rs("LinkName") "#13;#10;点击次数:" Rs("LinkHist") "'>" Rs("LinkName") "/a>" End If strContent = strContent "/td>" vbCrLf Rs.MoveNext Else If CInt(isLogo) = 1 Or CInt(isLogo) = 3 Then strContent = strContent "a href='" Newasp.InstallDir "link/addlink.asp' target=_blank>img src='" Newasp.InstallDir "images/link.gif' width=88 height=31 border=0>/a>" Else strContent = strContent "a href='" Newasp.InstallDir "link/' target=_blank>更多连接/a>" End If strContent = strContent "/td>" vbCrLf End If Next strContent = strContent "/tr>" vbCrLf Loop strContent = strContent "/table>" vbCrLf End If LoadFriendLink = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadFriendLink '作 用:读取友情连接 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadFriendLink(ByVal str) Dim strTemp, i Dim sTempContent, nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents On Error Resume Next strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadFriendLink(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadFriendLink(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadFriendLink(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadFriendLink(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3))) Next End If ReadFriendLink = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:PageRunTime '作 用:页面执行时间 '================================================ Public Function ExecutionTime() Dim Endtime ExecutionTime = "" If CInt(Newasp.IsRunTime) = 1 Then Endtime = Timer() ExecutionTime = "页面执行时间:" FormatNumber((((Endtime - startime) * 5000) + 0.5) / 10, 3, -1) "毫秒" Else ExecutionTime = "" End If End Function
On Error Resume Next Newasp.LoadChannel(ChannelID)
ChannelDir = Newasp.ChannelPath
strContent = "a href='" ChannelDir "'>" Newasp.ChannelName "/a>" Compart "" If ParentID > 0 And Len(strParent) > 0 Then SQL = "SELECT ClassID,ClassName,HtmlFileDir,UseHtml FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID = " ChannelID " And ClassID in(" strParent ")" Set rsCurrent = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Not (rsCurrent.EOF And rsCurrent.BOF) Then Do While Not rsCurrent.EOF
If CInt(Newasp.IsCreateHtml) > 0 Then strContent = strContent "a href='" ChannelDir rsCurrent("HtmlFileDir") "'>" rsCurrent("ClassName") "/a>" Compart "" Else strContent = strContent "a href='" ChannelDir "list.asp?classid=" rsCurrent("ClassID") "'>" rsCurrent("ClassName") "/a>" Compart "" End If rsCurrent.MoveNext Loop End If rsCurrent.Close Set rsCurrent = Nothing End If If CInt(Newasp.IsCreateHtml) > 0 Then strContent = strContent "a href='" ChannelDir HtmlFileDir "'>" ClassName "/a>" Else strContent = strContent "a href='" ChannelDir "list.asp?classid=" ClassID "'>" ClassName "/a>" End If CurrentStation = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadCurrentStation '作 用:读取当前位置 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadCurrentStation(ByVal str, ByVal ChannelID, ByVal ClassID, _ ByVal ClassName, ByVal ParentID, ByVal strParent, ByVal HtmlFileDir)
Dim strTemp, i Dim sTempContent, nTempContent Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents On Error Resume Next strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$CurrentStation(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$CurrentStation(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$CurrentStation(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), CurrentStation(ChannelID, ClassID, ClassName, ParentID, strParent, HtmlFileDir, arrTempContent(i))) Next End If ReadCurrentStation = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:NewsPictureAndText '作 用:图文混排列表 '================================================ Public Function NewsPictureAndText(ByVal chanid, ByVal ClassID, ByVal specid, _ ByVal stype, ByVal height, ByVal width, ByVal maxlen, _ ByVal maxline, ByVal hspace, ByVal vspace, ByVal align, _ ByVal divcss, ByVal target, ByVal start, ByVal showpic, _ ByVal showclass, ByVal showdate, ByVal dateformat)
Dim Rs, SQL, i, strContent, foundstr Dim ChildStr, HtmlFileUrl, HtmlFileName, strPicture Dim PicTopic, NewsTitle, ClassName, ArticleTitle, WriteTime
If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) > 0 Then SQL = "SELECT ChildStr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID = " chanid " And ClassID = " ClassID Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then Set Rs = Nothing SoftPictureAndText = "" Exit Function Else ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr") End If Rs.Close Else ChildStr = "0" End If Select Case CInt(stype) Case 0: foundstr = "ORDER BY A.SoftTime DESC ,A.softid DESC" Case 1: foundstr = "And A.isBest > 0 ORDER BY A.SoftTime DESC ,A.softid DESC" Case 2: foundstr = "ORDER BY A.AllHits DESC ,A.softid DESC" Case 3: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") ORDER BY A.SoftTime DESC ,A.softid DESC" Case 4: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") And A.isBest > 0 ORDER BY A.SoftTime DESC ,A.softid DESC" Case 5: foundstr = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ") ORDER BY A.AllHits DESC ,A.softid DESC" Case Else foundstr = "ORDER BY A.SoftTime DESC ,A.softid DESC" End Select If CInt(stype) >= 3 And CLng(ClassID) = 0 Then foundstr = "ORDER BY A.SoftTime DESC ,A.softid DESC" End If If CLng(specid) > 0 Then foundstr = "And A.SpecialID =" CLng(specid) " " foundstr End If SQL = " A.softid,A.ClassID,A.ColorMode,A.FontMode,A.SoftName,A.SoftVer,A.AllHits,A.SoftTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.isBest," SQL = "SELECT TOP " CInt(maxline) SQL " C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.HtmlFileDir FROM [NC_SoftList] A INNER JOIN [NC_Classify] C ON A.ClassID=C.ClassID WHERE A.isAccept>0 And A.ChannelID=" chanid " " foundstr "" Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) i = 0 strContent = "" If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strContent = "还没有添加任何软件!" Else Do While Not Rs.EOF SoftTopic = Newasp.ReadTopic(Trim(Rs("SoftName") " " Rs("SoftVer")), CInt(maxlen)) SoftTopic = Newasp.ReadFontMode(SoftTopic, Rs("ColorMode"), Rs("FontMode")) ClassName = Newasp.ReadFontMode(Rs("ClassName"), Rs("ColorModes"), Rs("FontModes")) HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Rs("softid"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") Newasp.ShowDatePath(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName ClassName = "[a href='" Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") "index" Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt "'>" ClassName "/a>]" Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" Rs("softid") ClassName = "[a href='" Newasp.ChannelPath "list.asp?classid=" Rs("ClassID") "'>" ClassName "/a>]" End If If CInt(showclass) = 1 Then ClassName = ClassName Else ClassName = "" End If If CInt(showdate) = 1 Then SoftTime = Newasp.ShowDateTime(Rs("SoftTime"), CInt(dateformat)) Else SoftTime = "" End If softname = "div " divcss ">" start ClassName " a href=""" HtmlFileUrl """ target=""" target """ title=""" Newasp.ChannelModule "标题:" Rs("SoftName") " " Rs("SoftVer") "#13;#10;发布时间:" Rs("SoftTime") "#13;#10;阅览次数:" Rs("AllHits") """ class=showlist>" SoftTopic "/a> " SoftTime "/div>" strContent = strContent softname Rs.MoveNext i = i + 1 Loop End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing Dim sExtName, ExtName, SoftImage If CInt(showpic) = 1 Then SQL = " A.softid,A.ClassID,A.SoftName,A.SoftVer,A.AllHits,A.SoftTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.SoftImage," SQL = "SELECT " SQL " C.HtmlFileDir,B.ChannelDir,B.ModuleName,B.BindDomain,B.DomainName,B.IsCreateHtml,B.HtmlExtName,B.HtmlPath,B.HtmlForm,B.HtmlPrefix,B.LeastHotHist FROM ([NC_SoftList] A INNER JOIN [NC_Classify] C ON A.ClassID=C.ClassID) INNER JOIN [NC_Channel] B On A.ChannelID=B.ChannelID WHERE A.isAccept>0 And A.ChannelID=" CInt(chanid) " And A.SoftImage>'' " foundstr "" Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strPicture = "img src='" Newasp.SiteUrl Newasp.InstallDir "images/no_pic.gif' width=""" width """ height=""" height """ hspace=""" hspace """ vspace=""" vspace """ align=""" align """ border=""0"">" Else HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Rs("softid"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") Newasp.ShowDatePath(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" Rs("softid") End If SoftImage = Newasp.GetImageUrl(Rs("SoftImage"), Newasp.ChannelData(1)) sExtName = Split(Rs("SoftImage"), ".") ExtName = sExtName(UBound(sExtName)) Select Case LCase(ExtName) Case "swf", "swi" strPicture = "object classid=""clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"" codebase=""http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0"" width=""" width """ height=""" height """ hspace=""" hspace """ vspace=""" vspace """ align=""" align """>" vbNewLine strPicture = strPicture " param name=""movie"" value=""" SoftImage """>" vbNewLine strPicture = strPicture " param name=""quality"" value=""high"">" vbNewLine strPicture = strPicture " embed src=""" SoftImage """ width=""" width """ height=""" height """ hspace=""" hspace """ vspace=""" vspace """ align=""" align """ quality=""high"" pluginspage=""http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"" type=""application/x-shockwave-flash"">/embed>" vbNewLine strPicture = strPicture "/object>" vbNewLine Case Else strPicture = "a href=""" HtmlFileUrl """ target=""" target """ title=""" Newasp.ChannelModule "标题:" Rs("SoftName") " " Rs("SoftVer") "#13;#10;发布时间:" Rs("SoftTime") "#13;#10;阅览次数:" Rs("AllHits") """>img src=""" SoftImage """ width=""" width """ height=""" height """ hspace=""" hspace """ vspace=""" vspace """ align=""" align """ border=""0"">/a>" End Select End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing Else strPicture = "" End If SoftPictureAndText = strPicture strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadSoftPicAndText '作 用:读取软件图文混排列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadSoftPicAndText(ByVal str) On Error Resume Next Dim strTemp, i, sTempContent Dim nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$SoftPictureAndText(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$SoftPictureAndText(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$SoftPictureAndText(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), SoftPictureAndText(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8), ArrayList(9), ArrayList(10), ArrayList(11), ArrayList(12), ArrayList(13), ArrayList(14), ArrayList(15), ArrayList(16), ArrayList(17))) Next End If ReadSoftPicAndText = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadGuestList '作 用:装载留言列表 '参 数:maxnum ----最多留言数 ' maxlen ----字符长度 ' newindow ----是否新窗口打开 1=是,0=否 ' showdate ----是否显示时间 1=是,0=否 ' DateMode ----时间模式 ' styles ----风格名称 '================================================ Public Function LoadGuestList(ByVal maxnum, ByVal maxlen, ByVal newindow, _ ByVal showdate, ByVal DateMode, ByVal styles)
Dim Rs, SQL, strContent Dim i, ListStyle, GuestTopic, LinkTarget Dim WriteTime, lastime, GuestTitle,strChannelDir
On Error Resume Next Set Rs = Newasp.Execute("SELECT TOP " CInt(maxnum) " guestid,Topicformat,title,username,WriteTime,lastime,ReplyNum FROM NC_GuestBook WHERE isAccept>0 ORDER BY isTop DESC,lastime DESC,guestid DESC") If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then LoadGuestList = "没有任何留言!" Set Rs = Nothing Exit Function Else i = 0 strContent = "table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>" strChannelDir = Newasp.GetChannelDir(4) Do While Not Rs.EOF If (i Mod 2) = 0 Then ListStyle = Trim(styles) 1 Else ListStyle = Trim(styles) 2 End If If CInt(newindow) > 0 Then LinkTarget = " target=""_blank""" Else LinkTarget = "" End If If CInt(showdate) > 0 Then WriteTime = Newasp.ShowDateTime(Rs("WriteTime"), CInt(DateMode)) lastime = Newasp.ShowDateTime(Rs("lastime"), CInt(DateMode)) Else WriteTime = "" lastime = "" End If GuestTitle = Newasp.HTMLEncode(Rs("title")) GuestTopic = "span " Rs("Topicformat") ">" Newasp.GotTopic(GuestTitle, CInt(maxlen)) "/span>" GuestTopic = "a href=""" strChannelDir "showreply.asp?guestid=" Rs("guestid") """ title=""主题:" GuestTitle "#13;#10;时间:" Rs("WriteTime") "#13;#10;作者:" Newasp.HTMLEncode(Rs("username")) """" LinkTarget ">" GuestTopic "/a>" strContent = strContent Newasp.MainSetting(16) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$GuestID}", Rs("guestid")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$UserName}", Newasp.HTMLEncode(Rs("username"))) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$GuestTopic}", GuestTopic) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ListStyle}", ListStyle) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$Number}", i) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$WriteTime}", WriteTime) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$lastime}", lastime) Rs.MoveNext i = i + 1 Loop strContent = strContent "/table>" End If LoadGuestList = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadGuestList '作 用:读取留言列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadGuestList(ByVal str) Dim strTemp, i, sTempContent Dim nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadGuestList(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadGuestList(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadGuestList(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadGuestList(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5))) Next End If ReadGuestList = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadPopularSoft '作 用:装载排行软件列表 '参 数:ClassID ----分类ID ' chanid ----频道ID ' stype ----调用类型 ' maxline ----显示列表数 ' maxlen ----显示标题长度 ' showhits ----是否显示下载数 ' target ----连接目标 ' start ----标题头标记 ' styles ----样式名称 '================================================ Public Function LoadPopularSoft(ByVal chanid, ByVal ClassID, ByVal stype, _ ByVal maxlen, ByVal maxline, ByVal showhits, _ ByVal target, ByVal start, ByVal styles)
Dim SQL, Rs, foundsql, strHits Dim ChildStr, i, strContent Dim HtmlFileName, HtmlFileUrl Dim NewsTitle, AllHits, strSoftName Dim divstyle
chanid = Newasp.ChkNumeric(chanid) ClassID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(ClassID) stype = Newasp.ChkNumeric(stype) If chanid = 0 Then chanid = 1
On Error Resume Next Newasp.LoadChannel(chanid)
If CLng(ClassID) > 0 And Trim(ClassID) > "" Then SQL = "SELECT ChildStr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID=" chanid " And classid=" ClassID Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then Set Rs = Nothing LoadPopularSoft = "" Exit Function Else ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr") foundsql = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ")" End If Rs.Close Else ChildStr = "0" foundsql = "" End If
Select Case CInt(stype) Case 1 foundsql = foundsql " ORDER BY A.DayHits DESC ,A.softid DESC" strHits = "DayHits" Case 2 foundsql = foundsql " ORDER BY A.WeekHits DESC ,A.softid DESC" strHits = "WeekHits" Case 3 foundsql = foundsql " ORDER BY A.MonthHits DESC ,A.softid DESC" strHits = "MonthHits" Case 4 foundsql = foundsql " And A.isBest>0 ORDER BY A.AllHits DESC ,A.softid DESC" strHits = "AllHits" Case Else foundsql = foundsql "ORDER BY A.AllHits DESC ,A.softid DESC" strHits = "AllHits" End Select SQL = " A.softid,A.ClassID,A.ColorMode,A.FontMode,A.SoftName,A.SoftVer,A.AllHits,A.SoftTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.isBest,A.DayHits,A.WeekHits,A.MonthHits," SQL = "SELECT TOP " CInt(maxline) SQL " C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.HtmlFileDir FROM [NC_SoftList] A INNER JOIN [NC_Classify] C ON A.ClassID=C.ClassID WHERE A.isAccept>0 And A.ChannelID=" chanid " " foundsql Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) i = 0 strContent = "" If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strContent = "还没有找到任何内容!" Else Do While Not Rs.EOF If Trim(styles) > "" And Trim(styles) > "0" Then If (i Mod 2) = 0 Then divstyle = " class=""" Trim(styles) "1""" Else divstyle = " class=""" Trim(styles) "2""" End If End If
NewsTitle = Newasp.GotTopic(Rs("SoftName") " " Rs("SoftVer"), CInt(maxlen)) NewsTitle = Newasp.ReadFontMode(NewsTitle, Rs("ColorMode"), Rs("FontMode")) HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Rs("SoftID"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") Newasp.ShowDatePath(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" Rs("softid") End If If CInt(showhits) > 0 Then AllHits = Rs(strHits) Else AllHits = "" End If strSoftName = "div" divstyle ">" start " a href=""" HtmlFileUrl """ target=""" target """ title=""" Newasp.ChannelModule "名称:" Rs("SoftName") " " Rs("SoftVer") "#13;#10;发布时间:" Rs("SoftTime") "#13;#10;下载总数:" Rs("AllHits") """ class=popular>" NewsTitle "/a> " AllHits "/div>" strContent = strContent strSoftName
Rs.MoveNext i = i + 1 Loop End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing LoadPopularSoft = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadPopularSoft '作 用:读取软件排行列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadPopularSoft(ByVal str) On Error Resume Next Dim strTemp, i, sTempContent Dim nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadPopularSoft(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadPopularSoft(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadPopularSoft(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadPopularSoft(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8))) Next End If ReadPopularSoft = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadPopularArticle '作 用:装载排行文章列表 '参 数:ClassID ----分类ID ' chanid ----频道ID ' stype ----调用类型 ' maxline ----显示列表数 ' maxlen ----显示标题长度 ' showhits ----是否显示下载数 ' target ----连接目标 ' start ----标题头标记 ' styles ----样式名称 '================================================ Public Function LoadPopularArticle(ByVal chanid, ByVal ClassID, ByVal stype, _ ByVal maxlen, ByVal maxline, ByVal showhits, ByVal target, _ ByVal start, ByVal styles)
Dim SQL, Rs, foundsql, strHits Dim ChildStr, i, strContent Dim HtmlFileName, HtmlFileUrl Dim NewsTitle, AllHits, ArticleTitle Dim divstyle
If CLng(ClassID) > 0 And Trim(ClassID) > "" Then SQL = "SELECT ChildStr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID=" chanid " And classid=" CLng(ClassID) Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then Set Rs = Nothing LoadPopularArticle = "" Exit Function Else ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr") foundsql = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ")" End If Rs.Close Else ChildStr = "0" foundsql = "" End If Select Case CInt(stype) Case 1 foundsql = foundsql " ORDER BY A.DayHits DESC ,A.Articleid DESC" strHits = "DayHits" Case 2 foundsql = foundsql " ORDER BY A.WeekHits DESC ,A.Articleid DESC" strHits = "WeekHits" Case 3 foundsql = foundsql " ORDER BY A.MonthHits DESC ,A.Articleid DESC" strHits = "MonthHits" Case 4 foundsql = foundsql " And A.isBest>0 ORDER BY A.AllHits DESC ,A.Articleid DESC" strHits = "AllHits" Case Else foundsql = foundsql "ORDER BY A.AllHits DESC ,A.Articleid DESC" strHits = "AllHits" End Select SQL = " A.ArticleID,A.ClassID,A.ColorMode,A.FontMode,A.title,A.BriefTopic,A.AllHits,A.WriteTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.isBest,A.DayHits,A.WeekHits,A.MonthHits," SQL = "SELECT TOP " CInt(maxline) SQL " C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.HtmlFileDir FROM [NC_Article] A INNER JOIN [NC_Classify] C ON A.ClassID=C.ClassID WHERE A.isAccept>0 And A.ChannelID=" chanid " " foundsql Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) i = 0 strContent = "" If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strContent = "还没有找到任何软件!" Else Do While Not Rs.EOF If Trim(styles) > "" And Trim(styles) > "0" Then If (i Mod 2) = 0 Then divstyle = " class=""" Trim(styles) "1""" Else divstyle = " class=""" Trim(styles) "2""" End If End If NewsTitle = Newasp.GotTopic(Rs("title"), CInt(maxlen)) NewsTitle = Newasp.ReadFontMode(NewsTitle, Rs("ColorMode"), Rs("FontMode")) HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Rs("ArticleID"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") Newasp.ShowDatePath(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" Rs("ArticleID") End If If CInt(showhits) > 0 Then AllHits = Rs(strHits) Else AllHits = "" End If ArticleTitle = "div" divstyle ">" start " a href=""" HtmlFileUrl """ target=""" target """ title=""" Newasp.ChannelModule "标题:" Rs("title") "#13;#10;发布时间:" Rs("WriteTime") "#13;#10;阅览次数:" Rs("AllHits") """ class=popular>" NewsTitle "/a> " AllHits "/div>" strContent = strContent ArticleTitle Rs.MoveNext i = i + 1 Loop End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing LoadPopularArticle = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadPopularSoft '作 用:读取软件排行列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadPopularArticle(ByVal str) On Error Resume Next Dim strTemp, i, sTempContent Dim nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadPopularArticle(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadPopularArticle(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadPopularArticle(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadPopularArticle(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8))) Next End If ReadPopularArticle = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadPopularFlash '作 用:装载排行动画列表 '参 数:ClassID ----分类ID ' chanid ----频道ID ' stype ----调用类型 ' maxline ----显示列表数 ' maxlen ----显示标题长度 ' showhits ----是否显示下载数 ' target ----连接目标 ' start ----标题头标记 ' styles ----样式名称 '================================================ Public Function LoadPopularFlash(ByVal chanid, ByVal ClassID, ByVal stype, _ ByVal maxlen, ByVal maxline, ByVal showhits, _ ByVal target, ByVal start, ByVal styles)
Dim SQL, Rs, foundsql, strHits Dim ChildStr, i, strContent Dim HtmlFileName, HtmlFileUrl Dim NewsTitle, AllHits, strtitle Dim divstyle
chanid = Newasp.ChkNumeric(chanid) ClassID = Newasp.ChkNumeric(ClassID) stype = Newasp.ChkNumeric(stype) If chanid = 0 Then chanid = 1
On Error Resume Next Newasp.LoadChannel(chanid)
If CLng(ClassID) > 0 And Trim(ClassID) > "" Then SQL = "SELECT ChildStr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID=" chanid " And classid=" ClassID Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then Set Rs = Nothing LoadPopularFlash = "" Exit Function Else ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr") foundsql = "And A.ClassID in (" ChildStr ")" End If Rs.Close Else ChildStr = "0" foundsql = "" End If
Select Case CInt(stype) Case 1 foundsql = foundsql " ORDER BY A.DayHits DESC ,A.flashid DESC" strHits = "DayHits" Case 2 foundsql = foundsql " ORDER BY A.WeekHits DESC ,A.flashid DESC" strHits = "WeekHits" Case 3 foundsql = foundsql " ORDER BY A.MonthHits DESC ,A.flashid DESC" strHits = "MonthHits" Case 4 foundsql = foundsql " And A.isBest>0 ORDER BY A.AllHits DESC ,A.flashid DESC" strHits = "AllHits" Case Else foundsql = foundsql "ORDER BY A.AllHits DESC ,A.flashid DESC" strHits = "AllHits" End Select SQL = " A.flashid,A.ClassID,A.ColorMode,A.FontMode,A.title,A.AllHits,A.addTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.isBest,A.DayHits,A.WeekHits,A.MonthHits," SQL = "SELECT TOP " CInt(maxline) SQL " C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.HtmlFileDir FROM [NC_FlashList] A INNER JOIN [NC_Classify] C ON A.ClassID=C.ClassID WHERE A.isAccept>0 And A.ChannelID=" chanid " " foundsql Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) i = 0 strContent = "" If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strContent = "还没有找到任何内容!" Else Do While Not Rs.EOF If Trim(styles) > "" And Trim(styles) > "0" Then If (i Mod 2) = 0 Then divstyle = " class=""" Trim(styles) "1""" Else divstyle = " class=""" Trim(styles) "2""" End If End If
NewsTitle = Newasp.GotTopic(Rs("title"), CInt(maxlen)) NewsTitle = Newasp.ReadFontMode(NewsTitle, Rs("ColorMode"), Rs("FontMode")) HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Rs("flashid"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") Newasp.ShowDatePath(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" Rs("flashid") End If If CInt(showhits) > 0 Then AllHits = Rs(strHits) Else AllHits = "" End If strtitle = "div" divstyle ">" start " a href=""" HtmlFileUrl """ target=""" target """ title=""" Newasp.ChannelModule "名称:" Rs("title") "#13;#10;发布时间:" Rs("addTime") "#13;#10;下载总数:" Rs("AllHits") """ class=popular>" NewsTitle "/a> " AllHits "/div>" strContent = strContent strtitle
Rs.MoveNext i = i + 1 Loop End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing LoadPopularFlash = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadPopularFlash '作 用:读取动画排行列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadPopularFlash(ByVal str) On Error Resume Next Dim strTemp, i, sTempContent Dim nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadPopularFlash(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadPopularFlash(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadPopularFlash(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadPopularFlash(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8))) Next End If ReadPopularFlash = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadSoftType '作 用:装载软件类型列表 '参 数:chanid ----频道ID ' SoftType ----软件类型 ' maxline ----显示列表数 ' maxlen ----显示标题长度 ' showclass ----是否显示分类 ' showdate ----是否显示日期 ' DateMode ----显示日期模式 ' newindow ----是否新窗口打开连接 ' styles ----样式名称 '================================================ Public Function LoadSoftType(ByVal chanid, ByVal SoftType, ByVal maxlen, _ ByVal maxline, ByVal showclass, ByVal showdate, _ ByVal DateMode, ByVal newindow, ByVal styles)
Dim SQL, Rs, foundsql, strContent, i Dim strSoftName, ChildStr, ListStyle, HtmlFileName, BestCode, BestString Dim ClassName, HtmlFileUrl, SoftTime, LinkTarget, SoftTopic
SoftType = Newasp.CheckStr(SoftType) chanid = Newasp.ChkNumeric(chanid) maxline = Newasp.ChkNumeric(maxline) If chanid = 0 Then chanid = 2 If maxline = 0 Then maxline = 10
On Error Resume Next Newasp.LoadChannel(chanid)
If Trim(SoftType) > "" Then foundsql = "And A.SoftType='" SoftType "' Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" Else foundsql = "Order By A.SoftTime Desc ,A.SoftID Desc" End If
SQL = " A.SoftID,A.ClassID,A.ColorMode,A.FontMode,A.SoftName,A.SoftVer,A.SoftType,A.AllHits,A.SoftTime,A.HtmlFileDate,A.isBest," SQL = "SELECT TOP " maxline SQL " C.ClassName,C.ColorModes,C.FontModes,C.HtmlFileDir,C.UseHtml FROM [NC_SoftList] A INNER JOIN [NC_Classify] C ON A.ClassID=C.ClassID WHERE A.isAccept>0 And A.ChannelID=" chanid " " foundsql Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) i = 0 strContent = "" If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then strContent = "还没有找到任何软件!" Else strContent = "table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>" Do While Not Rs.EOF If (i Mod 2) = 0 Then ListStyle = Trim(styles) 1 Else ListStyle = Trim(styles) 2 End If If Rs("isBest") > 0 Then BestCode = 2 BestString = "font color='" Newasp.MainSetting(3) "'>推荐/font>" Else BestCode = 1 BestString = "" End If strContent = strContent Newasp.MainSetting(14) strSoftName = Newasp.GotTopic(Rs("SoftName") " " Rs("SoftVer"), CInt(maxlen)) strSoftName = Newasp.ReadFontMode(strSoftName, Rs("ColorMode"), Rs("FontMode"))
ClassName = Newasp.ReadFontMode(Rs("ClassName"), Rs("ColorModes"), Rs("FontModes")) HtmlFileName = Newasp.ReadFileName(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Rs("SoftID"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt, Newasp.ChannelPrefix, Newasp.ChannelHtmlForm, "") If CInt(Newasp.ChannelUseHtml) > 0 Then HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") Newasp.ShowDatePath(Rs("HtmlFileDate"), Newasp.ChannelHtmlPath) HtmlFileName ClassName = "a href='" Newasp.ChannelPath Rs("HtmlFileDir") "index" Newasp.ChannelHtmlExt "'>" ClassName "/a>" Else HtmlFileUrl = Newasp.ChannelPath "show.asp?id=" Rs("SoftID") ClassName = "a href='" Newasp.ChannelPath "list.asp?classid=" Rs("ClassID") "'>" ClassName "/a>" End If If CInt(showclass) = 0 Then ClassName = "" If CInt(showdate) > 0 Then SoftTime = Newasp.ShowDateTime(Rs("SoftTime"), CInt(DateMode)) Else SoftTime = "" End If If CInt(newindow) > 0 Then LinkTarget = " target=""_blank""" Else LinkTarget = "" End If
SoftTopic = "a href='" HtmlFileUrl "'" LinkTarget " title='" Newasp.ChannelModule "名称:" Rs("SoftName") "#13;#10;发布时间:" Rs("SoftTime") "#13;#10;下载次数:" Rs("AllHits") "' class=showlist>" strSoftName "/a>" strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftTopic}", SoftTopic) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$InstallDir}", Newasp.InstallDir) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftName}", strSoftName) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$Title}", Rs("SoftName")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$DateAndTitle}", Rs("SoftTime")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$HtmlFileUrl}", HtmlFileUrl) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ClassName}", ClassName) strContent = Replace(strContent, "[]", "") strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$Target}", LinkTarget) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftTime}", SoftTime) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$SoftHits}", Rs("AllHits")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ListStyle}", ListStyle) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$BestCode}", BestCode) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$BestString}", BestString) Rs.MoveNext i = i + 1 Loop strContent = strContent "/table>" End If Set Rs = Nothing LoadSoftType = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadSoftType '作 用:读取软件类型列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadSoftType(ByVal str) On Error Resume Next Dim strTemp, i, sTempContent Dim nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadSoftType(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadSoftType(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadSoftType(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadSoftType(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3), ArrayList(4), ArrayList(5), ArrayList(6), ArrayList(7), ArrayList(8))) Next End If ReadSoftType = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadUserRank '作 用:装用户排行列表 '================================================ Public Function LoadUserRank(ByVal stype,ByVal grade,ByVal maxline,ByVal styles) Dim SQL, Rs, foundsql, strContent, i Dim ListStyle,username
stype = Newasp.CheckNumeric(stype) grade = Newasp.CheckNumeric(grade) maxline = Newasp.CheckNumeric(maxline) If maxline = 0 Then maxline = 10 If stype = 1 Then foundsql = "ORDER BY JoinTime DESC,userid DESC" ElseIf stype = 2 Then foundsql = "ORDER BY LastTime DESC,userid DESC" ElseIf stype = 3 Then foundsql = "ORDER BY userpoint DESC,userid DESC" Else foundsql = "ORDER BY userlogin DESC,userid DESC" End If If grade > 0 Then SQL = "SELECT TOP " maxline " userid,username,userpoint,userlogin FROM [NC_User] WHERE UserGrade=" grade " " foundsql Else SQL = "SELECT TOP " maxline " userid,username,userpoint,userlogin FROM [NC_User] " foundsql End If Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) i = 0 strContent = "" If Not (Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF) Then strContent = "table width=""100%"" border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>" Do While Not Rs.EOF If (i Mod 2) = 0 Then ListStyle = Trim(styles) 1 Else ListStyle = Trim(styles) 2 End If username = "a href=""" Newasp.InstallDir "user/userlist.asp?userid=" Rs("userid") """ target=""_blank"">" Rs("username") "/a>" strContent = strContent Newasp.MainSetting(23) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$ListStyle}", ListStyle) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$InstallDir}", Newasp.InstallDir) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$UserName}", username) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$username}", Rs("username")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$UserID}", Rs("userid")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$UserLogin}", Rs("userlogin")) strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$UserPoint}", Rs("userpoint")) Rs.MoveNext i = i + 1 strContent = Replace(strContent, "{$OrderID}", i) Loop strContent = strContent "/table>" End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing
LoadUserRank = strContent End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadUserRank '作 用:读取用户排行列表 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadUserRank(ByVal str) On Error Resume Next Dim strTemp, i, sTempContent Dim nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
strTemp = str If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadUserRank(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadUserRank(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadUserRank(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadUserRank(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3))) Next End If ReadUserRank = strTemp End Function '================================================ '函数名:LoadStatistic '作 用:装载频道统计 '参 数:moduleid ----所属模块 ' ChannelID ----频道ID ' strClass ----所调用的分类ID或者软件类型 ' stype ----统计类型,0=全部统计,1=今日更新统计,2=点击数统计,3=软件容量统计 '================================================ Public Function LoadStatistic(ByVal moduleid, ByVal ChannelID, ByVal strClass, ByVal stype)
Dim Rs, SQL, StatCount Dim foundsql, ClassID, ChildStr
ClassID = Newasp.CheckNumeric(strClass) On Error Resume Next LoadStatistic = 0 If ClassID > 0 Then SQL = "SELECT ChildStr FROM [NC_Classify] WHERE ChannelID = " ChannelID " And ClassID=" ClassID Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then ChildStr = 0 Else ChildStr = Rs("ChildStr") End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing foundsql = "And ChannelID=" ChannelID " And ClassID in (" ChildStr ")" Else foundsql = "And ChannelID=" ChannelID End If Select Case moduleid Case 1 If stype = 1 Then If isSqlDataBase = 1 Then SQL = "SELECT COUNT(ArticleID) FROM NC_Article WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql " And Datediff(d,WriteTime,GetDate())=0" Else SQL = "SELECT COUNT(ArticleID) FROM NC_Article WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql " And WriteTime>=Date()" End If ElseIf stype = 2 Then SQL = "SELECT SUM(AllHits) FROM NC_Article WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql ElseIf stype = 4 Then SQL = "SELECT SUM(DayHits) FROM NC_Article WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql Else SQL = "SELECT COUNT(ArticleID) FROM NC_Article WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql End If Case 2 If Not IsNumeric(strClass) Then foundsql = foundsql " And SoftType='" Newasp.CheckStr(strClass) "'" End If If stype = 1 Then If isSqlDataBase = 1 Then SQL = "SELECT COUNT(softid) FROM NC_SoftList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql " And Datediff(d,SoftTime,GetDate())=0" Else SQL = "SELECT COUNT(softid) FROM NC_SoftList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql " And SoftTime>=Date()" End If ElseIf stype = 2 Then SQL = "SELECT SUM(AllHits) FROM NC_SoftList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql ElseIf stype = 3 Then SQL = "SELECT SUM(SoftSize) FROM NC_SoftList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql ElseIf stype = 4 Then SQL = "SELECT SUM(DayHits) FROM NC_SoftList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql Else SQL = "SELECT COUNT(softid) FROM NC_SoftList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql End If Case 4 If stype = 1 Then If isSqlDataBase = 1 Then SQL = "SELECT COUNT(GuestID) FROM NC_GuestBook WHERE isAccept>0 And Datediff(d,WriteTime,GetDate())=0" Else SQL = "SELECT COUNT(GuestID) FROM NC_GuestBook WHERE isAccept>0 And WriteTime>=Date()" End If Else SQL = "SELECT COUNT(GuestID) FROM NC_GuestBook WHERE isAccept>0" End If Case 5 If stype = 1 Then If isSqlDataBase = 1 Then SQL = "SELECT COUNT(flashid) FROM NC_FlashList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql " And Datediff(d,addTime,GetDate())=0" Else SQL = "SELECT COUNT(flashid) FROM NC_FlashList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql " And addTime>=Date()" End If ElseIf stype = 2 Then SQL = "SELECT SUM(AllHits) FROM NC_FlashList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql ElseIf stype = 3 Then SQL = "SELECT SUM(filesize) FROM NC_FlashList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql ElseIf stype = 4 Then SQL = "SELECT SUM(DayHits) FROM NC_FlashList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql Else SQL = "SELECT COUNT(flashid) FROM NC_FlashList WHERE isAccept>0 " foundsql End If Case Else If stype = 1 Then If isSqlDataBase = 1 Then SQL = "SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM NC_User WHERE Datediff(d,JoinTime,GetDate())=0" Else SQL = "SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM NC_User WHERE JoinTime>=Date()" End If Else SQL = "SELECT COUNT(userid) FROM NC_User" End If End Select Set Rs = Newasp.Execute(SQL) If Rs.BOF And Rs.EOF Then StatCount = 0 Else StatCount = CCur(Rs(0)) If (moduleid = 2 And stype = 3) Or (moduleid = 5 And stype = 3) Then StatCount = Round(StatCount / 1024 / 1024, 3) StatCount = FormatNumber(StatCount, 3, -1) End If End If Rs.Close: Set Rs = Nothing LoadStatistic = StatCount End Function '================================================ '函数名:ReadStatistic '作 用:读取频道统计 '参 数:str ----原字符串 '================================================ Public Function ReadStatistic(ByVal str) On Error Resume Next Dim strTemp, i, sTempContent Dim nTempContent, ArrayList Dim arrTempContent, arrTempContents
strTemp = str On Error Resume Next If InStr(strTemp, "{$ReadStatistic(") > 0 Then sTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadStatistic(", ")}", 1) nTempContent = Newasp.CutMatchContent(strTemp, "{$ReadStatistic(", ")}", 0) arrTempContents = Split(sTempContent, "|||") arrTempContent = Split(nTempContent, "|||") For i = 0 To UBound(arrTempContents) ArrayList = Split(arrTempContent(i), ",") strTemp = Replace(strTemp, arrTempContents(i), LoadStatistic(ArrayList(0), ArrayList(1), ArrayList(2), ArrayList(3))) Next End If ReadStatistic = strTemp End Function
Public Function ShowIndex(ByVal isHtml) Dim HtmlContent Newasp.LoadTemplates 0, 1, 0 HtmlContent = Newasp.HtmlContent HtmlContent = Replace(HtmlContent, "{$ChannelRootDir}", Newasp.InstallDir) HtmlContent = Replace(HtmlContent, "{$InstallDir}", Newasp.InstallDir) If Len(Newasp.HtmlSetting(1)) 2 Then HtmlContent = Replace(HtmlContent, "{$PageTitle}", "首页") Else HtmlContent = Replace(HtmlContent, "{$PageTitle}", Newasp.HtmlSetting(1)) End If HtmlContent = Replace(HtmlContent, "{$ChannelID}", 0) HtmlContent = ReadAnnounceContent(HtmlContent, 0) HtmlContent = ReadClassMenu(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadClassMenubar(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadArticlePic(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadSoftPic(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadArticleList(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadSoftList(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadFlashList(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadFlashPic(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadFriendLink(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadNewsPicAndText(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadSoftPicAndText(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadGuestList(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadAnnounceList(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadPopularArticle(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadPopularSoft(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadPopularFlash(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadSoftType(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadStatistic(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = ReadUserRank(HtmlContent) HtmlContent = Replace(HtmlContent, "{$SkinPath}", Newasp.SkinPath) HtmlContent = Replace(HtmlContent, "{$InstallDir}", Newasp.InstallDir) If isHtml Then ShowIndex = HtmlContent Else Response.Write HtmlContent End If End Function