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    企业400电话 网络优化推广 AI电话机器人 呼叫中心 网站建设 商标✡知产 微网小程序 电商运营 彩铃•短信 增值拓展业务
    复制代码 代码如下:

    Function U2UTF8(Byval a_iNum)
    Dim sResult,sUTF8
    Dim iTemp,iHexNum,i

    iHexNum = Trim(a_iNum)

    If iHexNum = “” Then
    Exit Function
    End If

    sResult = “”

    If (iHexNum 128) Then
    sResult = sResult iHexNum
    ElseIf (iHexNum 2048) Then
    sResult = ChrB(H80 + (iHexNum And H3F))
    iHexNum = iHexNum \ H40
    sResult = ChrB(HC0 + (iHexNum And H1F)) sResult
    ElseIf (iHexNum 65536) Then
    sResult = ChrB(H80 + (iHexNum And H3F))
    iHexNum = iHexNum \ H40
    sResult = ChrB(H80 + (iHexNum And H3F)) sResult
    iHexNum = iHexNum \ H40
    sResult = ChrB(HE0 + (iHexNum And HF)) sResult
    End If

    U2UTF8 = sResult
    End Function

    Function GB2UTF(Byval a_sStr)
    Dim sGB,sResult,sTemp
    Dim iLen,iUnicode,iTemp,i

    sGB = Trim(a_sStr)
    iLen = Len(sGB)
    For i = 1 To iLen
    sTemp = Mid(sGB,i,1)
    iTemp = Asc(sTemp)

    If (iTemp>127 OR iTemp0) Then
    iUnicode = AscW(sTemp)
    If iUnicode0 Then
    iUnicode = iUnicode + 65536
    End If
    iUnicode = iTemp
    End If

    sResult = sResult U2UTF8(iUnicode)

    GB2UTF = sResult
    End Function

    • PHP函数utf8转gb2312编码
    • js 编码转换 gb2312 和 utf8 互转的2种方法
    上一篇:asp 使用正则表达式替换word中的标签,转为纯文本
    下一篇:asp 删除数据并同时删除图片的代码
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    实现UTF8转换GB2312国标码的asp代码 实现,UTF8,转换,GB2312,国标码,