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    复制代码 代码如下:


    Sub echo(Str)
    End Sub


    Function reqf(Str)
    reqf = Request.Form(Str)
    End Function


    Sub die(Str)
    End Sub


    Function ob_get_contents(Path)
    Dim tmp, a, b, t, matches, m
    Dim Str
    Str = file_iread(Path)
    tmp = "dim htm : htm = """""vbCrLf
    a = 1
    b = InStr(a, Str, "%") + 2
    While b > a + 1
    t = Mid(Str, a, b - a -2)
    t = Replace(t, vbCrLf, "{::vbcrlf}")
    t = Replace(t, vbCr, "{::vbcr}")
    t = Replace(t, """", """""")
    tmp = tmp "htm = htm """ t """" vbCrLf
    a = InStr(b, Str, "%\&;") + 2
    tmp = tmp str_replace("^\s*=", Mid(Str, b, a - b -2), "htm = htm ") vbCrLf
    b = InStr(a, Str, "%") + 2
    t = Mid(Str, a)
    t = Replace(t, vbCrLf, "{::vbcrlf}")
    t = Replace(t, vbCr, "{::vbcr}")
    t = Replace(t, """", """""")
    tmp = tmp "htm = htm """ t """" vbCrLf
    tmp = Replace(tmp, "response.write", "htm = htm ", 1, -1, 1)
    tmp = Replace(tmp, "echo", "htm = htm ", 1, -1, 1)
    htm = Replace(htm, "{::vbcrlf}", vbCrLf)
    htm = Replace(htm, "{::vbcr}", vbCr)
    ob_get_contents = htm
    End Function


    Sub include(Path)
    echo ob_get_contents(Path)
    End Sub


    Function base64encode(byval Str)
    If IsNull(Str) Then Exit Function
    Dim base64
    Set base64 = New base64_class
    Str = base64.encode(Str)
    Set base64 = Nothing
    base64encode = Str
    End Function


    Function base64decode(byval Str)
    If IsNull(Str) Then Exit Function
    Dim base64
    Set base64 = New base64_class
    Str = base64.decode(Str)
    Set base64 = Nothing
    base64decode = Str
    End Function


    Function urlencode(byval Str)
    If IsNull(Str) Then Exit Function
    Str = server.URLEncode(Str)
    urlencode = Str
    End Function


    Function escape(byval Str)
    If IsNull(Str) Then Exit Function
    Dim i, c, a, tmp
    tmp = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(Str)
    c = Mid(Str, i, 1)
    a = ascw(c)
    If (a>= 48 And a= 57) Or (a>= 65 And a= 90) Or (a>= 97 And a= 122) Then
    tmp = tmp c
    ElseIf InStr("@*_+-./", c) > 0 Then
    tmp = tmp c
    ElseIf a>0 And a16 Then
    tmp = tmp "%0" Hex(a)
    ElseIf a>= 16 And a256 Then
    tmp = tmp "%" Hex(a)
    tmp = tmp "%u" Hex(a)
    End If
    escape = tmp
    End Function


    Function unescape(byval Str)
    If IsNull(Str) Then Exit Function
    Dim i, c, tmp
    tmp = ""
    For i = 1 To Len(Str)
    c = Mid(Str, i, 1)
    If Mid(Str, i, 2) = "%u" And i= Len(Str) -5 Then
    If IsNumeric("H" Mid(Str, i + 2, 4)) Then
    tmp = tmp chrw(CInt("H" Mid(Str, i + 2, 4)))
    i = i + 5
    tmp = tmp c
    End If
    ElseIf c = "%" And i= Len(Str) -2 Then
    If IsNumeric("H" Mid(Str, i + 1, 2)) Then
    tmp = tmp chrw(CInt("H" Mid(Str, i + 1, 2)))
    i = i + 2
    tmp = tmp c
    End If
    tmp = tmp c
    End If
    unescape = tmp
    End Function
    下一篇:asp 空值测试判断函数
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