China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center|Acupuncture Training|acupuncture training course|TCM training|study acupuncture in China|China acupuncture training
网 址
备 案 备案号:京ICP备12015999号-2 电 话 400-xxxx开通
性 质 事业单位 名 称 北京国际针灸培训中心
年 龄 审 核 2013-02-28
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标 识 "1c47295-2ee4-597d6d3cd753b" 消 息 2019年11月24日 5时41分51秒
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网 站 标 题
China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center|Acupuncture Training|acupuncture training course|TCM training|study acupuncture in China|China acupuncture training
网 站 关 键 词
网 站 描 述
China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center(CBIATC) was set up in 1975 at the request of the World Health Organization (WHO) and with the appro**l of the State Council. Under the leadership of the Chinese government, WHO and the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (CACMS), it has developed into an authoritative organization of acupuncture training that is well known in the world.
