The answer to that question may not be as simple as it seems. It goes without saying that Natasha is a fashion force: as the first model profiled in Models.com’s ICONS series, she ranks among the most photographed and in-demand faces in the world. Open up any magazine right now and you’re sure to see her staring back at you, but who is the woman behind the images?
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The answer to that question may not be as simple as it seems. It goes without saying that Natasha is a fashion force: as the first model profiled in Models.com’s ICONS series, she ranks among the most photographed and in-demand faces in the world. Open up any magazine right now and you’re sure to see her staring back at you, but who is the woman behind the images?
The answer to that question may not be as simple as it seems. It goes without saying that Natasha is a fashion force: as the first model profiled in Models.com’s ICONS series, she ranks among the most photographed and in-demand faces in the world. Open up any magazine right now and you’re sure to see her staring back at you, but who is the woman behind the images?